Hillary Clinton Has Had A Amazing Few Weeks

Picture Ron Mills- Urban League Conference -Ft,. Lauderdale, FL 

First, Hillary decisively won the Democratic debate. Politico said it best: "Hillary Clinton Crushes It."

Then, last Thursday, she once again demonstrated her eloquence and complete unflappability in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Hillary spent eleven hours answering questions from a group set up with the explicit purpose of damaging her candidacy. They failed -- and Hillary came out on the other side stronger and more purposeful than ever, ready to move forward and stay focused on the issues that matter to the American people.

Finally, Hillary gave a phenomenal speech at the Iowa Democratic Party's annual J-J Dinner -- historically a pivotal moment on the path to the nomination and a test of a campaign's organizational strength that we passed with flying colors.

Millions of people watched those three events and quite simply felt that they were looking at the next president of the United States.

Just as importantly, while our candidate has been performing her job at the very highest level, so have you. I'm proud to report that hundreds of thousands of people have chipped in to support this campaign -- in fact, more than the Obama campaign had at roughly the same point in 2007. This is crucial not only because we believe strongly in the importance of small donors in the era of super PACs, but also because it represents a broad base of grassroots supporters who will continue to fund this campaign going forward. We've raised more than $75 million for the primary and are well on our way to hitting our 2015 goal.

We're using those resources to build an organization that can win. Our 230 organizers are working out of 33 offices across the early states. Some more fun stats:
  • In Iowa, we have a committed caucus-goer in all 1,682 precincts.
  • In New Hampshire, organizers are building a town-by-town volunteer grassroots infrastructure.
  • Our campaign has been the only one organizing from day one in Nevada, with hundreds of precinct captains already on board.
  • In South Carolina, our team has contacted more than 120,000 voters at more than 1,100 events across the state.
And we're gearing up to take on our opponents in the critical primaries in March, too. We have a grassroots movement of volunteers, donors, supporters, and a candidate who can take on anyone and anything.

This campaign has obviously had some tough days -- hell, some tough months -- and we will continue to have our ups and downs. It's important not to get complacent during good times, just as it's important not to panic during challenging ones. But it's also appropriate to celebrate a good stretch like this one, and thank those who made it happen.

Congratulations, team. Onward to Iowa!


Robby Mook
Campaign Manager
Hillary for America

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