Carly Fiorina crushed her rivals in the second GOP debate. Not only did she steal the two most-tweeted moments of the night — first when she put Donald Trump in his place for his sexist comments about her face, and second when she passionately argued that Republicans should shut down the government to defundPlanned Parenthood — but she also commanded a big chunk of the total speaking time and gained the most Twitter followers. |
- The debate wasn’t The Donald Trump show that some feared, but the businessman still managed to keep his edge — except for when underdog Marco Rubio knocked the wind out of him for saying America's a country where people speak English, not Spanish.
- Jeb Bush admitted to smoking weed 40 years ago — and apologized to his mom for it.
- Before the main event, Lindsey Graham came out on top at the undercard debate, prompting Twitter users to place bets that, like Fiorina, he’ll end up on the main stage next time. The vote of confidence may have had something to do with the fact that his proposed plan to settle inter-party tensions was to get everybody drunk.
A Muslim 14-year-old was arrested for bringing a clock to school. School officials in Irving, Texas, mistook the homemade clock that 9th-grader Ahmed Mohamed brought to school for a bomb. Alarm bells were raised about Islamophobia when one of the arresting officers who greeted Mohamed in the principal's office said, “Yup, that’s who I thought it was,” when he saw the boy. Mohamed had never met the man before. |
A Chile quake sparked a massive evacuation. An 8.3-magnitude earthquakerocked cities and caused 15-foot waves to slam into the coast. The disaster killed at least five people and prompted the evacuation of 1 million. |
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