we are ringing ALARM bells Jeb Bush or Scott Walker must never get withing 50 Miles of the White House There main mission is to cut taxes for the uber wealthy and get us into another war, to enrich their donors and families How Many American must die this time
Iraq For Sale
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Iraq For Sale
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A former Harvard professor name Laurie Mylroie, considered eccentric in the academic world, had come up with a theory after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, not Islamic extremists or Al Qaeda, was responsible for the bulk of terrorist plots against the United States.
Even though her theories only made sense to her and were disregarded by virtually all of the intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the nation, Wolfowitz bought it hook, line, and sinker, and made it his mission to sell it to the G.W. Bush administration. The number two person of power in the defense department was dead set on going to Iraq, based on a fringe theory discredited by. . . everybody else.
This man is now fully engaged as a member of Jeb Bush’s foreign policy advising team.
In fact, almost all of Bush’s team are advisers to presidents who made terrible foreign policy decisions all the way back to Reagan. This chart, courtesy of the Washington Post, shows how Bush refuses to think outside the box, proving another Bush presidency would be nothing but more Blunders like Nicaragua, Iran-Contra, Desert Storm and of course the war in Iraq:
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