Harry Reid Turns Put Up or Shut Up Challenge Into Romney’s Worst Nightmare
Mitt Romney fled to the gentle caress of Sean Hannity and put his bully pants on to tell Harry Reid to put up or shut up.
Romney said, “Well, it’s time for Harry to put up or shut up. Harry’s gonna have to describe who it is he spoke with because of course that’s totally and completely wrong. It’s untrue, dishonest and inaccurate. It’s wrong. So I’m looking forward to have Harry reveal his sources and we’ll probably find out that it’s the White House.”
The problem for Romney is the people smell baloney, and it is coming from his campaign.
Being the old savvy pol that he is, Harry Reid smelled blood in the water and went back on the attack.
In a statement, Reid said,
There is a controversy because the Republican presidential nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, refuses to release his tax returns. As I said before, I was told by an extremely credible source that Romney has not paid taxes for ten years. People who make as much money as Mitt Romney have many tricks at their disposal to avoid paying taxes. We already know that Romney has exploited many of these loopholes, stashing his money in secret, overseas accounts in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.Last weekend, Governor Romney promised that he would check his tax returns and let the American people know whether he ever paid a rate lower than 13.9 percent. One day later, his campaign raced to say he had no intention of putting out any further information.When it comes to answering the legitimate questions the American people have about whether he avoided paying his fair share in taxes or why he opened a Swiss bank account, Romney has shut up. But as a presidential candidate, it’s his obligation to put up, and release several years’ worth of tax returns just like nominees of both parties have done for decades.It’s clear Romney is hiding something, and the American people deserve to know what it is. Whatever Romney’s hiding probably speaks volumes about how he would approach issues that directly impact middle-class families, like tax reform and the economy. When you are running for president, you should be an open book.I understand Romney is concerned that many people, Democrats and Republicans, have been calling on him to release his tax returns. He has so far refused. There is only one thing he can do to clear this up, and that’s release his tax returns.
Romney just couldn’t resist. He lost his cool, and walked right into Harry Reid’s trap. By uttering a single syllable about his tax returns, Mitt Romney gave the story, and the questions surrounding his tax returns new life.
Harry Reid has Romney exactly where he wants him. As far as Romney’s claim that Reid’s source is the White House is concerned, keep in mind that like Romney, Reid is a high ranking Mormon.
CBS Boston is speculating that camp Romney has sprung a Mormon leak, “But the source coming to Harry Reid for these revelations adds a level of intrigue. Reid just happens to be the highest-ranking member of the Mormon Church in the history of this nation. It is likely that Senator Reid’s source shares the Mormon religion with Reid and Romney. That message will not be lost on Romney. If the Bain fortress is not a fortress; if people are talking, Romney knows that trouble lies ahead.”
Harry Reid would not have repeated the claim three times if he wasn’t certain that his information was solid. The odds are that somebody in Romney’s circle is whispering to Harry Reid. The Senate Majority Leader appears supremely confident in his information.
Romney can’t release the returns, because of what they contain. Reid already knows this. So every time Mitt Romney lies about his tax returns, he digs himself in deeper and Republicans watch their chance to defeat Obama fade away.
Reid is Right as Rain: and Willard is all Wet.
ReplyDelete‘Cause we all have a damn RIGHT to see a Presidential Candidate’s tax returns! Confession is good for the soul Mitt. Assuming you have one. So Release your Returns, Mr. Romney …OR… just Return to playing “dressage” with your pet ponies! We’ll understand, I promise.
Unless… perhaps….just perhaps…you’re hiding something dear Willard? Just asking.
P.S. By the way, Mr. Mitt: just how DID you manage to stuff all those millions into your tax-loophole IRA account?… while the REST of us poor smucks have strict limits? Inquiring minds want to know.
And you want even MORE tax cuts... for you and your rich buddies, Mitt? WHAT GALL! These fat cats aren’t satisfied- they want it ALL! …EVERYTHING!!
Like how many silver spoons CAN you stuff into your mouth? Mitt baby -please- take my advice: if you want to run for dog-catcher THEN keep your precious returns, … and just clean off your car roof.  OTHERWISE, put up, …or shut up and go away ….preferably BEFORE the convention.
The super-rich think that they have the God-given right to do anything they want in this great country -while the REST of us get screwed! ENOUGH!!! The divine right of kings ended a long long time ago Mitt.
And so should your sorry sorry excuse for a candidacy.