Cernovich seeks to unseal records in a course case involving accused pedophile madame Ghislaine Maxwell and her friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Filed in federal court in New York, a lawsuit accuses socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is accused of running a pedophile operation on behalf of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
Read: Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts wins round in defamation lawsuit against British socialite and alleged ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell who ‘passed her around for sex’ and trained her to be ‘everything a man wanted’
Although the lawsuit’s existence was covered widely in the media, the allegations remained hidden , as every legal document filed in the case is under seal. When a court document is filed under seal, the public loses the right to inspect these documents.
This is a massive case alleging a worldwide pedophile ring, which the public has an interest in discovering. And no one has any idea who is leading this pedophile ring or how many people they have allegedly victimized.
Working with free speech lawyer Marc Randazza, Mike Cernovich of Cernovich Media filed a lawsuit to unseal records in a case involving billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
At considerable financial expense and personal risk (Epstein is well-connected and dangerous, counting Donald Trump as among his closest friends), Cernovich sued because taking on the rich and powerful is what real journalists do. The trial court denied Cernovich’s motion to unseal records, and Cernovich appealed.
Today the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Files filed an amicus curie brief in support of Cernovich’s arguments.
The brief opens up with a powerful discussion on free speech law:
This Court has long recognized that access to judicial documents is essential to the fostering of a well-informed citizenry and the integrity of our judicial system. Amici write to emphasize their concern with the breadth of the sealing permitted by the district court in this case, which is contrary to both the common law and First Amendment presumptions of access…. The strong public interest in access to the judicial records at issue in this case weighs in favor of their disclosure, and under the common law and First Amendment presumptions of access, no compelling interest exists to seal them. For the reasons set forth herein and in Appellants’ briefs, amici respectfully urge this Court to reverse the district court’s order.
Many people attack Mike Cernovich’s good name and call him fake news.
How may of those people have paid $25,000 out of their own pockets to file a lawsuit to expose billionaire pedophiles? (The lawsuit was paid for with Patreon funds, and Cernovich is grateful to his backers.)
You can read the full brief filed today below:

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