American Russian Propaganda Sites

NameDomainPrimary Target Audience InterestsReview ArticleAbsurd Pro-Russia ContentSource?Repeater?
Infowars / Alex Jonesinfowars.comConspiracyExampleExampleMajorMajor
True Activisttrueactivist.comLeft-wingExampleExampleMinorMajor
Natural Newsnaturalnews.comHealthExampleExampleMajorMajor
Ending The Fedendingthefed.comRight-wingExampleExampleMinorMajor
Corbett Reportcorbettreport.comGeopoliticsExampleExampleMajorMinor
Washington's Blogwashingtonsblog.comGeneralExampleExampleMajorMajor
Before It's Newsbeforeitsnews.comGeneralExampleExampleNoMajor
Ron Paul Instituteronpaulinstitute.orgRight-WingExampleExampleMajorMajor
Hang the Bankershangthebankers.comFinanceExampleExampleMinorMajor
The Activist Postactivistpost.comLeft-wingExampleExampleMajorMinor
The Anti-Mediatheantimedia.orgAnti-MediaExampleExampleMajorMinor
Veterans Todayveteranstoday.comVeteransExampleExampleMajorMajor
Your Newswireyournewswire.comGeneralExampleExampleMajorMajor
America's Freedom Fightersamericasfreedomfighters.comRight-wingExampleExampleMinorMinor
Global Researchglobalresearch.caGeneralExampleExampleMajorMajor
Paul Craig Robertspaulcraigroberts.orgLeft-wingExampleExampleMajorMinor

PropOrNot is a Resource

We at PropOrNot are assembling tools and information to help identify and neutralize Russian propaganda. We are not waiting for an official response, and we need your help!

We call on the American public to:
  • Be aware that Russia is trying to supplant actual journalism (that has editors and fact checkers who impose accountability for mistakes), with fake-"media" online propaganda that Russia influences or controls.
  • Spread the word: Russia is attempting to manipulate the American people through online propaganda.
  • Obtain news from actual reporters, who report to an editor and are professionally accountable for mistakes. We suggest NPR, the BBC, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington PostBuzzfeedVICE, etc, and especially your local papers and local TV news channels. Support them by subscribing, if you can!
  • Familiarize yourself with this project, at, and especially our IntroductionFrequently Asked Questions, and Manual Propaganda Analysis example, so you can practice distinguishing between Russian propaganda and actual news for yourself.
  • Share this, on social media, by email, and however else you think appropriate - especially with family members, reporters, politicians, celebrities, and other influencers.
  • Respectfully discuss this with people who you see credulously repeating Russian propaganda, if you think think they will listen. People will often have a hard time believing that their favorite "alternative" news sources are foreign-directed disinformation, but encourage them to take a carefully critical look. Look for ridiculous pro-Russian articles and posts on their favorite sites, and ask them: "What exactly is that doing there!?"
  • Participate in the YYYcampaignYYY, to help highlight Russian propaganda websites, accounts, and other outlets, by putting a YYY on either side of their name. It's straightforward.
  • Review our Reference Articles section, which provide excellent background on Russian propaganda and influence operations both in the US and around the world.
  • Join us on Reddit, at, to help us track down and expose Russian propaganda outlets that we haven't discovered yet.
We call on individuals who think they might be, or have been, unwittingly involved in producing or spreading Russian propaganda, to:
  • Come forward with your stories. We want to know what happened, and we encourage you to get in touch with actual reporters who can tell your story with the respect and care it deserves. We can help with that if you would like. 
  • Stop spreading Russian propaganda. Don't keep doing it in the hope that you will gather more information about how it all works. The US government already has plenty of information about this.
We call on Congressional leadership, and the Obama administration, to:
Finally, we would like to thank the many people who have helped us with this project, and whose work we are building on. We stand on the shoulders of giants. They are too numerous to list here, and many of them wish to remain anonymous for security and professional reasons, but some of them are listed in our Allies section to the right of this page.

Watch this space. Our tools are evolving and there will be much more soon.

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