Johnathan Karl Benghazi Propagandist, Interviews Donald Trump

Johnathan Karl Benghazi Propagandist, Interviews Donald Trump

Transcript via ABC’s This Week:
KARL: So let me ask you about something you tweeted last year. You said of Barack Obama, “Sadly, because President Obama has done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations.”
What did you mean by that?
TRUMP: Well, I think he’s been a very poor president. I think he has done a very poor job as president. We have $18 trillion right now in debt and going up rapidly.
KARL: But what did you mean? What —
TRUMP: Wait a minute.
The world is — we don’t have victories anymore. China is killing us on trade. Mexico’s killing us at the border and also killing us on trade. Mexico’s doing unbelievably against us in trade.
You look at what’s going on with Japan. You look at what’s going on with Vietnam. You look at Saudi Arabia, makes $1 billion a day and we defend them. We get nothing.
KARL: I understand your critique. But why do you say that means we won’t see another black president for generations?

TRUMP: Because I think that he has set a very poor standard. I think that he has set a very low bar and I think it’s a shame for the African American people.

And by the way, he has done nothing for African Americans. You look at what’s gone on with their income levels. You look at what’s gone on with their youth. I thought that he would be a great cheerleader for this country. I thought he’d do a fabulous job for the African American citizens of this country.
He has done nothing. They are worse now than just about ever and —
KARL: But —
TRUMP: — they are — excuse me. They have problems now in terms of unemployment numbers, look at their unemployment numbers. And you have — here you have a black president who’s done very poorly for the African-Americans of this country.
And I think that I will win the African-American vote, and I think I will win the Hispanic vote. And if you see the recent polls that came out, Jon, you’ll see that because I’m leading in the Hispanic vote.
Trump’s claim was that since Obama has been a “bad” president, no African-American will be able to win the White House for generations. When Jon Karl pressed him on what he meant by there won’t be another African-American president for generations, Trump broke into his billionaire bluster and claimed that African-Americans and Hispanics will vote for him.
The contradiction in Trump’s claim was an inference that African-Americans voted for Obama because he is black, but they are going to turn to the rich white man to “rescue” them in 2016. Donald Trump was called out on his racist beliefs, and instead of admitting his racism, he fell apart and retreated to his usual empty tough talk.
Donald Trump will never disavow his racism because the racist beliefs are a large part of why he is leading the Republican presidential field. When even Jon “Benghazi emails” Karl is calling out Trump’s racism, the

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