A new public opinion poll released Tuesday morning by Morning Consult and POLITICO finds the Russian interference investigative report from Special Counsel Robert Muellerhas dragged down President Donald Trump's already weak approval ratings to a new low.
The poll, conducted Friday through Monday of 1,992 registered voters, gave Trump a 39 percent approval rating, down 18 points from the last time Morning Consult surveyed on him, on March 20. That is the lowest approval rating Morning Consult has found since it began its monthly approval polling of Trump at the start of his presidency.
Another 57 percent of voters said they disapprove of the job Trump is doing.
Morning Consult/POLITICO is reporting a 2 percent margin of error.
The same new poll shows broad reluctance among voters on the question of whether the U.S. House of Representatives should pursue impeachment proceedings. Forty-eight percent oppose impeachment, and only 34 percent say yes. The rest are undecided. As expected, the poll shows a strong partisan divide on the question, with 59 percent of Democrats supporting impeachment, 31 percent of independent voters supporting, and just 7 percent of Republicans.
Trump did not receive majority job approval ratings from either men or women, from any ethic or racial group, from any group arranged by education, from any group arranged by income, or from any age group, though he came close with voters 65 or older, receiving 49 percent positive job approval ratings from that group. He did receive majority positive job approval ratings from protestants, the only religious group to offer that. Voters in urban, suburban, and rural settings all gave him majority disapproval.
Perhaps more alarming for Trump's re-election campaign, just 37 percent said they believe the country is going in the right direction, and 63 percent said it was going in the wrong direction.
And the issues are very different on the minds of people who believe America is going in the right direction, compared with those who believe it is going in the wrong direction.
Those who said the country is going in the right direction said their top concern was security, followed by the economy, Medicare and Social Security, and education.
Those who said the country is going in the wrong direction said their top concern were women's issues and energy, followed by health care and "other."
Morning Consult/POLITICO report that the report and defenses of Trump offered by Attorney General William Barr and others have done little to alter public opinion on Trump's actions, his campaign, or Russia.
Forty-seven of registered voters in the survey said they believe Trump tried to impede or obstruct the investigation and 41 percent said they believed members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election, compared with 44 percent and 39 percent, respectively, who said the same the last time Morning Consult asked, in February. Also, 51 percent of the voters said the believe it is likely that Russia has compromising information on Trump, a finding unchanged from February.

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