1) He used stock photos of foreigners
(RandPaul.com via BuzzFeed)
The day began with the campaign being dinged for unpatriotic use of stock photos. Paul's new campaign website had a page calling for endorsements, and its accompanying map image featured some small thumbnail photos of people.
But BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski discovered that those small thumbnails were apparently of Europeans, taken by a photographer based in Germany. Gotcha! Paul's team soon removed the photos, because only American stock photos are good enough for American presidential candidates, or something.
2) He spelled the word "education" wrong
(RandPaul.com via HuffingtonPost.com)
The day continued with a typo. Reporters quickly noticed that on Paul's issue page for "Education," the word was once spelled "Eductation." Gotcha! The press had a good laugh, and the page was quickly corrected.
3) He posted an image reading "Jew for Rand"
Finally, a page with identity-themed images that Paul supporters were supposed to post on their social media accounts contains one image with the words "Jew for Rand." Now, it definitely does seem that "Jewish" or "Jewish-American" would have been a much better word choice here. But with "Catholic for Rand" and "Christian for Rand" showing up, it seems the religion-themed images were formatted similarly by a staffer who didn't think too much about it. (The image has now been changed to "Jewish for Rand.")
And his staff is stuck on stupid. http://conservativefrontline.com/rand-paul-apologizes-to-ted-cruz-for-mock-bumper-sticker-campaign-ad/