* Police are on the lookout for a possible accomplice to the alleged shooter. Local TV stations posted a photo that appears to be from surveillance cameras, although it is not clear where the photo was taken. http://bit.ly/eAQhvM
* ABC's Jason Ryan reports that according to several federal law enforcement officials: Loughner's Glock 19- 9mm was legally purchased at the Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson, Arizona on November 30.
* Authorities have not said what Loughner's motive could be, but have described the suspect as "mentally unstable." Loughner had tried to join the military, but was rejected. It is not clear why.
* As of 8am ET, a hospital spokesman tells ABC that Giffords remains in critical condition, sedated in the Intensive Care Unit. The hospital spokesperson said -- reports that she was awake and recognized her husband are not true.
How Did Giffords Survive? Dr. Richard Besser explains how living through a gunshot to the brain is possible. WATCH: http://abcn.ws/glhdz7
* The number of injured has been revised up to 20, six fatalities.
* All six victims have been identified. 9 Year-old Christina Taylor Greene was at the even with a neighbor. She was interested in politics and government and had come to meet her Congresswoman. Judge John Roll, 63, was a respected federal judge. Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, was a former social worker who was on Giffords' staff. Also killed were Dorthy Murray, 76, Dorwin Stoddard, 76, and Pyllis Scheck, 79.
* FBI Director Robert Mueller is on the ground to personally coordinate the investigation. He is expected to appear with local authorities at 1PM ET press conference at the Pima County, Arizona Sherriff's office.
WHO IS GABBY GIFFORDS? "Rep. Gabrielle Giffords rides motorcycles and married an astronaut at a wedding where everything had to be biodegradable. She is a Democrat who champions gun rights, lists fiscal discipline as one of her top issues and was re-elected in a conservative district when Republicans took control of the House," ABC's Z. Byron Wolf reports. "'The federal debt is the single biggest threat to our economy and national security today,' is emblazoned on her Congressional website. She wears the label centrist proudly. But she supported Nancy Pelosi and President Obama on their most important policy initiatives, like the health reform law and the climate change bill that passed the House of Representatives in 2009, but failed in the Senate. Her independent streak is more on display where immigration policy is concerned." http://abcn.ws/eWAucJ
Inside Giffords' Marriage to Astronaut Mark Kelly. The two wed one year after her election to Congress. WATCH: http://abcn.ws/eQ2Qfu
INTERN STAYS BY GIFFORDS' SIDE. In an exclusive interview with "This Week" anchor Christiane Amanpour, Daniel Hernandez, the intern described by some as the hero who assisted Congresswoman Giffords immediately after the shooting, provided a first-hand account of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona. "When I heard gunshots, my first instinct was to head toward the congresswoman to make sure that she was okay," Hernandez told Amanpour. "Once I saw that she was down, and there were more than one victim, I went ahead and started doing the limited triage that I could with what I had." http://abcn.ws/fuU5Kj
More from the Arizona Republic: "Daniel Hernandez had been U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' intern for five days when she was shot Saturday outside Tucson," The Arizona Republic's Jaimee Rose and Mary Jo Pitzl report. "The junior at the University of Arizona was helping check people in at the "Congress on Your Corner" event when he heard gunfire. He was about 30 feet from the congresswoman. When the shots began, he ran toward them. 'I don't even know if the gunfire had stopped,' he said Saturday night as he kept a vigil at the University Medical Center cafeteria, gathered near a TV watching tributes and getting updates. Using his hand, Hernandez applied pressure to the entry wound on her forehead. He pulled her into his lap, holding her upright against him so she wouldn't choke on her own blood. Giffords was conscious, but quiet." http://bit.ly/dHnhHX
CONGRESSMAN UPS SECURITY. The staff of Democratic U.S. Rep. Andre Carson of Indianapolis increased security Saturday following the shooting of a colleague in Arizona," the AP reports. "'We have taken appropriate steps in light of the tragedy today in Arizona,' said Justin Ohlemiller, Carson's district director. "We've been in touch with Homeland Security and will continue to do so as the situation continues to evolve." Protesters last march shouted racists slurs at Carson and a second black congressman, Democrat John Lewis of Georgia, near the Capitol in Washington as Congress debated the health care overhaul. Carson has no immediate plans to change any public appearances, but Ohlemiller declined to say whether the congressman was in Indianapolis or Washington, D.C." http://bit.ly/eNTmnR
NOTED: ABC News Radio's Aaron Katersky interviewed Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif, who was shot five times in 1978, traveling as an aide to Rep. Leo Ryan, who was killed in the shooting outside Jonestown. She told ABC that she's adamant -- at least for her part -- that security for members of congress not be increased at home."I certainly don't want to have to be required to have a police presence," Speier said. "If that's the case, then it's time for me to no longer be a congress member."
HOUSE POSTPONES HEALTH CARE REPEAL. "House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., announced that the House will delay its efforts to repeal the health care law next week as well as other legislative business "so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today's tragedy," ABC's John R. Parkinson reports. "Lawmakers voted last week to schedule debate and a vote on repealing health care reform on Wednesday. Repeal was expect to pass in the House, but chances were less likely in the Senate and the White House threatened to veto it. "All legislation currently scheduled to be considered by the House of Representatives next week is being postponed so that we can take whatever actions may be necessary in light of today's tragedy," Cantor said in a statement yesterday. http://abcn.ws/gIqocx
Giffords' Close Friend Speaks Out: Tilman Fertitta talks about Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' personal side. WATCH: http://abcn.ws/e1vyHb
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