Tell Harry Reid to "Grow A Pair"

Today is a make-or-break moment in the fight to let the Bush-Cheney tax cuts for the wealthy expire as planned at the end of this year. Over the weekend, the White House continued to work on striking a tax cut deal with Republicans that would increase deficit spending by 700 billion dollars over the next ten years.

So instead of playing hardball with Republicans by exposing them for this reckless spending, they're ready to cave again. Instead of exposing Republicans for voting against tax cuts for the middle class, instead of daring them to be responsible for raising taxes on all Americans if the Bush-Cheney tax cuts expire before Republicans agree to the Democratic plan, instead of providing America with real leadership and a fiscally responsible backbone that sets Democrats apart from Republicans -- this White House is ready to surrender.

The U.S. Senate can stop them. Call your Senators right now and demand "no deals on tax cuts for the wealthy."
  • Sen. Nelson - (202) 224-5274
  • Sen. LeMieux - (202) 224-3041
  • Or for another State Call (202) 224-3121


Thanks to Nancy Pelosi's continued leadership, the House of Representatives has already told the White House "No deals on tax cuts for the wealthy" and passed a bill that fulfills President Obama's campaign promise to not raise taxes on people who make less than $250,000 a year, while letting the the Bush Tax Cuts for those making more than $250,000 a year expire.

Now, it's up to the U.S. Senate to do that same thing. But they will only do it if they hear an overwhelming outcry from all of us telling them that we need them to go to the mat to stop Republicans -- even if President Obama won't.

That's why we've joined with progressive allies at the MoveOn, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, CREDO Action, True Majority and SEIU for today's emergency call-in day.

Pundits and scared Democrats in Washington will be advocating capitulation, but we need Senate Democrats to stand strong. They have the upper hand, with big majorities of Americans who want to see the wealthy pay their fair share. A new poll from CBS shows that only 26% of voters want the tax cuts for the wealthy extended.

If the Republicans are so committed to stopping tax cuts for the middle class unless tax breaks for millionaires are extended too, then they should have to defend that position in the next election.

Democrats in the Senate should make Republicans vote over and over and over again against relief for struggling families and prove to the American people that their millionaire donors are more important to them than their constituents.

That's what the American people want the Senate to do. Let's make sure Senate Democrats get the message. Please make your call right now.

  • Sen. Nelson - (202) 224-5274
  • Sen. LeMieux - (202) 224-3041
  • Or for another State Call (202) 224-3121

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