It will be loud and it will be damning. The tea baggers will be hunch over their radios ready for tearful marching orders from General Beck. Rush will rustle his papers and call for Obama's impeachment. O'Reilly's Folks™ will nearly get out of their rockers. Nearly. But while the intimidating din of Democrat disaster will fill the airwaves, it will be up to honest brokers in the media to remind Americans how we got here and who exactly set up the scenario that has failed us...
That the security measures that didn't seem to stop a single Nigerian were set up by Cheney, Bush and their congress. That Gitmo detainees released by the Bush administration who are now part of al-Qaeda leadership in Yemen. That shoe-bomber Richard Reid penetrated American airspace without problem during the Cheney-Bush security failure. That less than a year into his administration, President Barack Obama, has seen one man with an underwear package of explosives slip by security, while in less than a year and AFTER ignoring warnings that Osama bin Laden was intent on flying planes into American buildings, President Bush presided over our country's largest terrorist attack - one that tore down our economy and gave what he believed was credence to invade a country who did not attack us which led to the death of over 3000 Americans and the loss of more than a hundred thousand more innocents. That the Lords of Loud cannot pin this on the head of the Transportation Security Administration, becuase none exisrs...because Republican obstructionism, especially South Carolina's Republican Senator Jin DeMin has blocked the appointment of Obama's nominee for the head of the TSA, Erroll Southers. That these are the same bloviators were at the ready to scream traitor at anyone who pointed to Bush's having any responsibility for 9-11. Point is, Rush out of the sick bed, Sean and Glenn will have their panties packed with explosives Monday morning, ready to spew half-truths - which wil most assuredly be no truth at all. If the Fourth Estate wants to do their job they cannot give right wing radio and TV's deceptions equal footing with the facts. And Dems must be at the ready to return their worst with their best. And that means the entire truth, something you'll never hear out of the right's charlatan mouths.
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