On Sunday morning, Republican Donald Trump defended Russian president Vladimir Putin saying that he would "go into Ukraine" despite the fact Russia already occupies Crimea, once part of the Ukraine. Hillary for America was quick to pounce on Trump's misunderstanding of international politics with a statement from Senior Policy Advisor Jake Sullivan. He calls out Trump's support of Russia and lack of foreign affairs knowledge. A copy of HFA's statement is below.
"Today, Donald Trump was asked about Vladimir Putin and Ukraine. Here is what he said:
'He's not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He's not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want.'
What is he talking about? Russia is already in Ukraine. Does he not know that? What else doesn’t he know?
While Trump hasn’t mastered basic facts about the world, he has mastered Putin’s talking points on Crimea (which, of course, the United States and most of the world still recognizes as part of Ukraine). Today, he gamely repeated Putin’s argument that Russia was justified in seizing the sovereign territory of another country by force.
This is scary stuff. But it shouldn’t surprise us. This comes on the heels of his tacit invitation to the Russians to invade our NATO allies in Eastern Europe.
And it’s yet more proof why Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit and totally unqualified to be Commander in Chief."
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Statement from HFA on Trump’s Ukraine Comments
Trump brags that he snubbed Koch brothers, but they say they never asked for a meeting
Trump brags that he snubbed Koch brothers, but they say they never asked for a meeting
As conservative mega-donors Charles and David Koch kick off their biannual summit with their extensive network of donors, Donald Trump lobbed a pre-emptive shot, claiming he had rebuffed the industrialists' request for a meeting. But top officials to the Koch operation threw cold water on that Saturday afternoon, saying they had no…
Tim Tebow Did Not Agree To Speak at GOP Convention
It seems as though that the schedule of speakers is still pretty fluid, even at this, the 11th hour. If we thought the original list of speakers was pretty lame and uninspiring, it seems it’s just getting worse. Tim Tebow would have been a great, young voice for Donald Trump to have represent him to the nation.
According to The New York Times, Tebow released a video statement to his followers onInstagram. Apparently, the Heisman Trophy winning NFL star has been out of the country.
‘Just got back from thePhilippines, and I was up this morning to find out that I’m speaking at the Republican National Convention. It’s amazing how fast rumors fly. And that’s exactly what it is, a rumor.’
He assured his fans that news that he was speaking at the convention was just a rumor, and that he felt that he owes hisfocus
to helping others through his charitable foundation.
‘Right now, I really believe that that’s through my foundation and our raising partners and fighting for kids that can’t fight for themselves.’
The football star did say that if he thought that he could make a difference in the political realm, he was certainly up for it. But like many Americans, even those in Trump’s own political party, he probably suspects deep down that helping Donald Trump get elected to the presidency is probably not the way to help the country he loves.
‘My goal has always been to be able to make a difference in the biggest way possible,. And if one day that’s a political realm then that’s what I’ll do.’
There was the usual “God has a plan for your life” rhetoric that we’ve come to expect from Tebow, and apparently, speaking up for Donald Trump at his nominating convention next week isn’t part of God’s plan for Tebow.
The RNC is going to have to start scrambling for relevant and high-profile speakers, and fast, or they’re going to end up booking that empty chair, again.
Featured image via Getty Images
Clinton Campaign Responds to Trump’s Selection of Running Mate
On Friday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced that he has chosen Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. The Clinton campaign were ready to strike with a video and release attacking Trump's choice. The Campaign cited Pence's stance on LGBTQ rights, immigration reform, women's rights, and workers' rights. The campaigns release concludes, "Voters deserve better than the divisive policies and disastrous economic proposals of the Trump and Pence Republican ticket." Read the full reaction on The Briefing and watch the video below.
For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter,Facebook, and Instagram.
News Source: The New York Times, The Briefing
Hillary Clinton Interviewed by MSNBC’s Chuck Todd
On Saturday, Hillary Clinton was interviewed for MSNBC by Chuck Todd. The interview came after Clinton was voluntarily interviewed by the FBI about her use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. During the phone interview, Clinton said that she could not give details, but that she was ready to talk to the FBI when they were ready. "I've been eager to do it and I was pleased to have the opportunity to assist the department in bringing its review to a conclusion," she said. A full video of the interview is below.
News Source: NBC News
Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments
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Photo/ Ron Mills |
You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:
- Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.
- She played a leading role in the development of State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequatehealthcare coverage
- She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
- Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).
- She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.
- At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.
- She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
- Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).
- Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.
- Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners’Loan
Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.
- Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.
- Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.
- Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.
- The Clinton Foundation, founded by her and her husband, has improved the living conditions for nearly 400 million people in over 180 countries through its Initiative program.
These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar. You do not have to support what she does or stands for. But do not say she doesn’t have any accomplishments. The conservatives who say this are the ones who are pushing for Ted Cruz – who brought on a $24 billion shut down. That, to them, is an accomplishment?
Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.
Trump Campaign Loses Two More Staffers
Even though Trump has been able to secure enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination, his campaign has struggled to stick together behind the scenes. Last month, Trump finally fired his long time campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who was recently picked up as a contributor for CNN. With the Republican National Convention just three weeks away, two top staffers have decided to jump off the ship, as reported by The Hill
Readout of Vice President Biden’s Call With President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia
The Vice President spoke by telephone today with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos to congratulate the Colombian government on the recent breakthrough in the peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as the FARC, which was announced on June 23rd. The leaders discussed the main elements of the peace accords, including transitional justice and the demobilization, disarmament, and reintegration of combatants. The Vice President pledged his strong personal commitment and the support of the United States for the successful implementation of the peace accords, and he underscored the importance of maintaining bipartisan support for Colombia in the United States Congress. The two leaders agreed that in order for peace to be truly sustainable, it must include meaningful justice for victims of the conflict, the extension of the rule of law and government services, and education, jobs, and economic opportunities that will allow Colombia to realize its full potential as a prosperous and secure country. The Vice President also recognized Colombia's important regional leadership and expressed his support for a successful outcome at the Pacific Alliance summit currently taking place in Puerto Varas, Chile.
The White House Internship Program announced today the participants for the Summer 2016 session
The White House Internship Program announced today the participants for the Summer 2016 session. The mission of the program is to make the White House accessible to future leaders around the nation and to prepare those devoted to public service for future leadership opportunities.
A White House Internship provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. Interns work in one of several White House departments, including the Domestic Policy Council, the National Economic Council, the Office of Cabinet Affairs, the Office of Communications, the Office of Digital Strategy, the Office of the First Lady, the Office of Legislative Affairs, the Office of Management and Administration, the Office of Political Strategy and Outreach, the Office of Presidential Correspondence, the Presidential Personnel Office, the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, the Office of Scheduling and Advance, the Office of the Vice President, the Office of the White House Counsel, and the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships.
Additional information about the White House Internship Program is available here:www.whitehouse.gov/internships
Summer 2016 White House Interns
The list below includes the Summer 2016 White House Interns, their hometowns, and the higher education institution they most recently attended.
Adams, Lindsay Hometown: London, UK; Northwestern University, IL
Ahrens, Daniel Hometown: Los Alamos, NM; University of California, Berkeley, CA
Alarco Alarco, Claudia Hometown: Silver Spring, MD ; Villanova University, PA
Alvarez, Gabriela Hometown: Sterling, VA; Elon University, NC
Amini, Alen Hometown: Cincinnati, OH; Harvard University, MA
Amini, Mariam Hometown: Bogota, NJ; Stanford University, CA
Auletto, Katherine Hometown: Novi, MI; Georgetown University, D.C.
Austin, Adele Hometown: Miami, FL; Columbia University, NY
Austin, Natalie Hometown: Miami, FL; Columbia University, NY
Basti, Vinay Hometown: Willowbrook, IL; Yale University, CT
Bauer, Katherine Hometown: Belvedere, CA; Northwestern University, IL
Binder, Jacob Hometown: West Hartford, CT; Brown University, RI
Black, Cara Hometown: Bucks County , PA; Georgetown University, D.C.
Blau, Amanda Hometown: Bradford, RI; University of Michigan, MI
Brooks, Mary Hometown: Missoula, MT; Harvard University, MA
Brown, Dara Hometown: Raleigh, NC; Cornell University, NY
Browne, Martin Hometown: Chicago, IL; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
Buhle, Brendan Hometown: LaGrange Park, IL; University of Iowa, IA
Butler, Johanna Hometown: Louisville, KY; American University, D.C.
Byrd, Paris Hometown: Memphis, TN; The University of Chicago, IL
Cannon, Jacob Hometown: Scarsdale, NY; Princeton University, NJ
Carbone, Anna Hometown: Yorktown Heights, NY; Marist College, NY
Casey, Amy Hometown: Wayne, PA; College of the Holy Cross, MA
Castiglia, Sara Hometown: Needham, MA; Georgetown University, D.C.
Cediel, Daniela Hometown: Weston, FL; Florida International University, FL
Chan, Esther Hometown: Diamond Bar, CA; Colorado College, CO
Cholli, Neil Hometown: Chelmsford, MA; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Christensen, Cody Hometown: Topeka, KS; University of Kansas, KS
Cole, Noah Hometown: Rancho Cucamonga, CA; Emory University, GA
Cooper, Rebecca Hometown: Brattleboro, VT; Georgetown University, D.C.
Council, Alison Hometown: Lynnfield, MA; The George Washington University, D.C.
Czulak, Aleksandra Hometown: Chicago, IL; Princeton University, NJ
David, Romy Hometown: Pacific Palisades , CA; The George Washington University, D.C.
Davis, Jordan Hometown: Chicago, IL; Williams College, MA
Dennehy, James Hometown: Ashland, VA; Christopher Newport University, VA
Dolan, Katelyn Hometown: Spokane, WA; Harvard University, MA
Dornon, GuangQin Hometown: Madison, WI; Gustavus Adolphus College, MN
Dugas, Taylor Hometown: Chicago, IL; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
Duska, Sarah Hometown: Lexington, MA; College of William and Mary, VA
Edwards, Dominic Hometown: Arlington, TX; Baylor University, TX
Elder, Ehrenstrom Hometown: Los Altos, CA; University of Southern California, CA
Elftman, Jennifer Hometown: Pewaukee, WI; Lake Superior State University, MI
Espinoza, Sophia Hometown: Berkeley , CA; Loyola Marymount University, CA
Evans, Courtney Hometown: Grand Blanc, MI; University of Michigan, MI
Eyster, Katherine Hometown: Brooklyn, NY; University of Michigan, MI
Ferren, Megan Hometown: Westwood, MA; Tufts University, MA
Francis, Alexandra Hometown: Montpelier, VT; Yale University, CT
Frank, Mariel Hometown: Bellevue, WA; Georgetown University, D.C.
Frayne, Dana Hometown: Trinity, FL; Barnard College, NY
Gallagher, Rachel Hometown: Grand Junction, CO; Washington and Lee University, VA
Garcia, Cassandra Hometown: Austin, TX; Brown University, RI
Gerstel, Dylan Hometown: Ridgewood, NJ; Swarthmore College, PA
Gips, Benjamin Hometown: Boulder, CO; Williams College, MA
Grant, Sarah Hometown: Washington, D.C.; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Greenberg, Maximilian Hometown: Atlanta, GA; University of Michigan, MI
Gutierrez, Marc Hometown: Tucson, AZ; The George Washington University, D.C.
Gutierrez, Patricio Hometown: Brownsville, TX; University of Houston, TX
Haley, Mariah Hometown: Kansas City, MO; Wellesley College, MA
Hanson, Joshua Hometown: Black River Falls, WI; Winona State University, MN
Hardin, Abigail Hometown: Morganton , NC; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
Hashimee, Morsal Hometown: Vancouver, WA; Washington State University, WA
Hawkins, Jerron Hometown: Upper Marlboro , MD; Howard University, D.C.
Haynes, Richard Furman Hometown: Nashville, TN; Princeton University, NJ
Heard, Rachael Hometown: Trumbull, CT; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Hinerfeld, Olivia Hometown: Portland, OR; Georgetown University, D.C.
Holder, Brooke Hometown: Washington, D.C.; University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
Holtz, Michael Hometown: Westport, CT; Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Horak, Emily Hometown: Santa Clarita, CA; The George Washington University, D.C.
Hudacek, Sarah Hometown: Republic, OH; The Ohio State University, OH
Kaplan, Charles Hometown: Middleton, WI; University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
Kelly, Declan Hometown: Springfield, NJ; Georgetown University, D.C.
Kennedy, Jane Hometown: Alamo, CA; University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
Kenney, Ryan Hometown: Sudbury, MA; Northwestern University, IL
Keroack, Jenny Hometown: Mendham, NJ; The University of Chicago, IL
Khan, Laraib Hometown: Chicago, IL; London School of Economics, London, England
Kiernan, Christopher Hometown: Chevy Chase, MD; Lehigh University, PA
Koga, Kaitlin Hometown: Pearl City, HI; Yale University, CT
Krulik, Sarah Hometown: Philadelphia, PA; University of Rochester, NY
Kuhn, Elena Hometown: Mountain View, CA; University of Southern California, CA
Lange, Emma Hometown: Carroll, IA; Grinnell College, IA
Lee, Colin Hometown: Homestead, FL; University of Miami, FL
Lee, Joshua Hometown: Wellesley, MA; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Lessing, Sarah Hometown: Los Altos, CA; The George Washington University, D.C.
Lieb, Mary Hometown: Fairfax, VA; University of Alabama, AL
Lippey, Madeleine Hometown: Greenwich, CT; Stanford University, CA
Litman, Henry Hometown: Wellesley, MA; Yale University, CT
Maestas, David Hometown: Las Vegas, NM; New Mexico State University, NM
Maffett, Justin Hometown: New York, NY; Dartmouth College, NH
Maloch, Victoria Hometown: Magnolia, AR; University of Arkansas, AR
Marrett, Sonja Hometown: Thiells, NY; Boston College, MA
Mas, Gabriella Hometown: Miami, FL; Georgetown University, D.C.
Mathews, Meenu Hometown: Monmouth Junction, NJ; The George Washington University, D.C.
Maz, Rebecca Hometown: Radnor, PA ; American University, D.C.
McGowan, Gregory Hometown: Winchester, MA; Georgetown University, D.C.
McLeod, Krystal Hometown: Bay Shore, NY; New York University, NY
McNicholas, Kristen Hometown: Geneva, NY; Rochester Institute of Technology, RI
McPartlin, Matthew Hometown: Mount Prospect, IL; Indiana University, IN
Medina, Richard Hometown: Upper Saddle River, NJ Yale University, CT;
Mendez, Brennon Hometown: Torrance, CA; Columbia University, NY
Millard, Hazel Hometown: Brooklyn, NY; Middlebury College, VT
Miller, Jordan Hometown: Chappaqua, NY; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Minion, Sarah Hometown: Cherry Hill, NJ; Oberlin College, OH
Mohr, Morgan Hometown: Kokomo, IN; Indiana University, IN
Moreno-Rosa, Salomon Hometown: Amherst, MA; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Mott, Kevin Hometown: Stamford, CT; Harvard University, MA
Nanini, Jenadee Hometown: Cut Bank, MT; Georgetown University, D.C.
Nanna, Benjamin Hometown: Westfield, NJ; Columbia University, NY
Nduaguba, Adaeze Hometown: Boston, MA; Dartmouth College, NH
New, Justin Hometown: Rockville, MD; Harvard University, MA
Niles, Grayce Hometown: Silver Spring, MD; Bowdoin College, ME
Nlewedim, Gloria Hometown: Raleigh, NC; Davidson College, NC
Nuenighoff, Rhett Hometown: Harvard, MA; The George Washington University, D.C.
Odio, Catalina Hometown: Columbus, OH; Kenyon College, OH
O'Donnell, Erin Hometown: Lancaster, MA; Boston University, MA
Omary, Natalie Hometown: New York, NY; Clark University, MA
Omilabu, Temiloluwa Hometown: Katy, TX; Case Western Reserve University, OH
Papermaster, Molly Hometown: Hartford, CT; Boston University, MA
Patchin, Ana Hometown: Holland, MI; University of Michigan, MI
Pawar, Sohum Hometown: East Hanover, NJ; Harvard University, MA
Peale, Farris Hometown: Mukilteo, WA; Harvard University, MA
Peterson, Graeme Hometown: Raleigh, NC; Duke University, NC
Pober, Rebecca Hometown: Daphne, AL; Vassar College, NY
Popli, Karishma Hometown: Great Falls, VA; Duke University, NC
Potter, Hannah Hometown: Yarmouth, ME; Stanford University, CA
Powell, Lindsay Hometown: Brooklyn , NY; Carnegie Mellon University, PA
Puri, Ashwin Hometown: Rockford, IL; Georgetown University, D.C.
Qureshi, Hira Hometown: Atlanta, GA; Tufts University, MA
Rad, Abdul Hometown: East Northport, NY; Hunter College, CUNY, NY
Rhodes, Julia Hometown: Wilmington, DE; Georgetown University, D.C.
Richard, Michael Hometown: Fitchburg, MA; Harvard University, MA
Rogers, Hannah Hometown: Las Vegas, NV; Duke University, NC
Rooney, James Hometown: Pittsburg, PA; Georgetown University, D.C.
Roque, Phoebe Kathryn Hometown: North Andover, MA; Johns Hopkins University, MD
Ross, Taylor Hometown: Houston, TX; Brown University, RI
Rotering, Charles Hometown: Chicago, IL; Tulane University, LA
Rothberg, Isabel Hometown: Croton-on-Hudson, NY; Columbia University, NY
Samaha, Alexander Hometown: McLean, VA; Brown University, RI
Samar, Shailee Hometown: Cupertino, CA; Harvey Mudd College, CA
Sawyer-Kaplan, Lily Hometown: New Haven, CT; Yale University, CT
Schreiberg, Kendall Hometown: Newport Beach, CA; University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Serota, Jonathan Hometown: Brookville, NY; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Shankar, Tanushri Hometown: Rockville, MD; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, VA
Sheasley, Jamie Hometown: King of Prussia, PA ; American University, D.C.
Shulman, Sabrina Hometown: Washington, D.C.; University of Pennsylvania, PA
Simon, Allegra Hometown: New York, NY; Williams College, MA
Sims, Katherine Hometown: Seattle, WA; University of Washington, WA
Singh, Jaspal Hometown: Lincolnwood, IL; Loyola University Chicago, IL
Sirkovich, Eitan Hometown: Rochester , NY; State University of New York at Geneseo, NY
Slifkin, Emily Hometown: Fairport, NY; Cornell University, NY
Smitham, Eleni Hometown: Bethesda, MD; Haverford College, PA
Srinivasan, Bhargav Hometown: Austin, TX; Harvard University, MA
Staples, Kameron Hometown: Chester, PA; Brown University, RI
Stephens, Emma Hometown: Park City, UT; Barnard College, NY
Stubbs, Brittany Hometown: Midlothian, TX; New York University, NY
Sun, Isabelle Hometown: Rockville, MD; Harvard University, MA
Taylor, Rory Hometown: Minneapolis, MN; Pomona College, CA
Valladao, Megan Hometown: Lakewood, CA; University of Virginia, VA
Valuev, Anna Hometown: Salem, MA; Harvard University, MA
Vlad, Daniel Hometown: Croton-on-Hudson, NY; State University of New York at Albany, NY
Walsh, Kelsey Hometown: Bloomington, MN; Saint Anselm College, NH
Watson, Yazmeane Hometown: Clermont , FL; University of Florida, FL
Weber, Caroline Hometown: Boston, MA; University of Richmond, VA
Wier, Emily Hometown: San Diego, CA; Yale University, CT
Williams, Alexander Hometown: Bethesda, MD; Syracuse University, NY
Woods, Charles Hometown: Aurora, IL; The University of Chicago, IL
Wyderko, James Hometown: Rockville, MD; Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Yao, Kristiana Hometown: Naperville, IL; University of Miami, FL
Zeldes-Roth, Miko Hometown: New York, NY; Carleton College, MN
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