- Hoping to break an impasse," Pres. Obama in an event in Chattanooga, TN, on Tuesday "will extend a new offer" to cong. GOPers "in which he would back an overhaul of the corporate tax system in exchange for a guarantee that a resulting one-time windfall be used to underwrite various job creation proposals" (Wall Street Journal).
- The Senate on Monday confirmed FBI Dir.-designate James Comey on a 93-1 vote. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) voted no, and Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Jeff Merkley(D-OR) voted present (National Journal Daily).
- In VA GOV, Citizens United "is spending" $305K "on a 30-second TV ad promoting" a film it made that is critical of ex-DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe (D). The RGA "is going up with its second TV ad of the race" on Tuesday, "hitting McAuliffe over the history of his car company and its ties to China" (Politico). A new ad from McAuliffe releasedon Monday "focuses on" AG Ken Cuccinelli's (R) "legal battle" with UVA climate scientist Michael Mann (Washington Post).
- A new Quinnipiac Univ. poll of NYC mayoral Dem primary LVs, conducted 7/24-28, shows City Council Speaker Christine Quinn leading Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, 27-21%, with '09 nominee Bill Thompson at 20%, ex-Rep. Anthony Weinerat 16%, Comp. John Liu at 6% and ex-Councilor Sal Albanese at 2%. In the previous poll, conducted 7/18-23, Weiner led Quinn, 26-22%, with Thompson at 20%, de Blasio at 15%, Liu at 7% and Albanese at 1% (release). Weiner continues to spurn calls for him to exit the race, including from de Blasio, who told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday: "The sideshow needs to end" (Hotline viewing).
- Ex-AR LG Bill Halter's (D) decision to drop out of the AR GOV race on Mondayclears the field for ex-Rep. Mike Ross (D), and now some nat'l and state Dems hope Halter will challenge Rep. Tim Griffin (R) in AR-02 (Hotline reporting).
- Newark Mayor Cory Booker (D) "has canceled plans for what would have been an eyebrow-raising speech" in Iowa City, IA, set for only "two weeks after" the NJ SEN Dem primary (Newark Star-Ledger). Booker launched his second Spanish-language TV ad on Monday (Newark Star-Ledger). Rep. Rush Holt (D) "has tapped journalistGlenn Greenwald for an online town hall meeting he is hosting Tuesday, his campaign announced Monday" (Washington Post).
- Despite a joint appearance in Nashville on Monday to tout charter schools, Paul "stopped short of endorsing" Sen. Lamar Alexander's (R-TN) reelection bid. Paul: "I'd rather not go there. I'd hate to be painted as 'Oh, I've come here and I'm not endorsing him' because I think that's the wrong message to send. I'm very supportive of Sen. Alexander, and I hope he doesn't get an opponent" (Nashville Tennessean).
- IL state Rep. Darlene Senger (R) officially launched her IL-11 campaign on Monday(Naperville Sun).
- "The drive to recall" San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (D) "began in earnest Monday as the beleaguered politician made a formal request for taxpayers to pick up the tab for his legal fees stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit" (U-T San Diego).
- Paul "will be the featured attraction at a fundraiser at the Women's National Republican Club" in NYC on 8/13 (Politico).
- The FEC sent a letter to '10 PA SEN nominee Joe Sestak (D) telling him that he "has passed the threshold of exploring a run" for SEN in '16 and "must declare himself a candidate -- or disavow his bid" (PoliticsPA.com).
- 10 Quotes From Founding Fathers On Separation Of Church And State
- The Purpose Of FOX News
- What The GOP Doesn't Know About The Constitution
- Our Liberal Founding Fathers
- The Bible and Homosexuality
- 13 Thing The Bible Forbids that you all do
- 20 Vile Quotes Against Women By Religious Leaders From St. Augustine to Pat Robertson
- Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream
- 15 Websites Saving the Environment by Changing the Food System
- What Does the New Testament Say about Homosexuality?
- How The Right Wing Took Over America's Media
- 35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate
- Here's 15 things everyone would know if there really were a "liberal media"
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- How NeoCons Got Us into War
- Jesus On S-E-X
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- Lies Fundamentalist Christians Teach Their Childre...
- Jesus Versus Republicans: On S-E-X
- Religion & Homosexuality
The stories that drive the day July 20th 2013
Ted Cruz Brings Voter Supression To Washington
Texas Senator Ted Cruz is vaulting Voter ID into the national spotlight. The Tea Party golden boy recently introduced Senate Bill 1336.
If passed, this bill wouldallow states to pass and enact voter ID laws to verify identity, citizenship, and eligibility when registering to vote. The bill has nine additional co-sponsors. We’ve got the full wording and story behind this potentially Voter supression bill
If passed, this bill wouldallow states to pass and enact voter ID laws to verify identity, citizenship, and eligibility when registering to vote. The bill has nine additional co-sponsors. We’ve got the full wording and story behind this potentially Voter supression bill
The bill has been read twice and is already on the Senate Calender for hearings, debate and voting. The pleasantly short bill can be read in its entirety at this link. It is also available at this link.
A BILL To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to permit States to require proof of citizenship for registration to vote in elections for Federal office.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. STATES PERMITTED TO REQUIRE PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP FOR VOTER REGISTRATION.Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 1973gg-4) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
`(e) Proof of Citizenship- Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to preempt any State law requiring evidence of citizenship in order to complete any requirement to register to vote in elections for Federal office.’
Thomas Paine Comes Out Of His Grave To Bitch Slap Sen. Rand Paul
Nut-ball Rand Paul warned that the United States was in a “spiritual crisis” at this week’s Religious Right summit hosted by fellow whacko David Lane. Lane is one of the most delusional “Christian Nation” apologists who claims, “America was a Christian nation. The Mayflower Compact declared, “In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, having undertaken – for the glory of God, and the advancement of the Christian faith…Let’s decide if America is a Christian nation or a pagan nation – and get on with it; the sooner the better.
Paul said at the summit, “What America needs is a revival. A war is being waged between those who understand and embrace America’s exceptional founding and those who simply want to divide.”
Yeah, sure. Apparently Rand Paul doesn’t understand irony, as he ended by quoting Thomas Paine, “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Yeah, ok. Let’s have a few more Thomas Paine quotes, shall we?
“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” [Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason]
“The Bible is a book that has been read more and examined less than any book that ever existed.” [The Theological Works of Thomas Paine]
“Every phrase and circumstance are marked with the barbarous hand of superstitious torture, and forced into meanings it was impossible they could have. The head of every chapter, and the top of every page, are blazoned with the names of Christ and the Church, that the unwary reader might suck in the error before he began to read.”[Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, p.131]
“..we must be compelled to hold this doctrine to be false, and the old and new law called the Old and New Testament, to be impositions, fables and forgeries.” [The Life and Works of Thomas Paine, Vol. 9 p. 282]
Ouch! That’s gonna leave a mark!
Watch Rand Paul’s delusional psychosis in this video courtesy of Right Wing Watch!
Lauren Green, Biggest Hypocrite, at Fox News
During a recent interview, Fox News reporter Lauren Green repeatedly questioned the propriety of religious scholar Reza Aslan writing about the Christian faith when he's Muslim. Green's standard is not only absurd on its face, it's also hypocritical: Green is a Christian who frequently writes and reports about Islam as Fox's religion correspondent.
Green joined Fox News in 1996 and was Fox News chief Roger Ailes' first on-air talent hire. An October 16, 2007, Baptist Press article reported that Green spoke to Christian college students about the importance of Christianity in her reporting, said journalists would achieve ultimate success by holding the Christian faith, and encouraged students not to "abandon your faith" in their work. From Baptist Press:
Source: Wikipedia Mediamatters
Ted Cruz's Nonfactual Illegal Immigration Figures Explored
The Following post first appeared on FactCheck.org.
Sen. Ted Cruz says there will be “20 or 30 million” people living in the U.S. illegally “in another 10, 20 years” if the Senate immigration bill becomes law. But the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says the bill, if enacted, will reduce future illegal immigration by 33 percent to 50 percent compared with current law.
The Republican freshman senator from Texas offered his estimate on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the impact of the bill on the political future of one of its sponsors, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio.
Cruz, July 21: If the Gang of Eight bill became the law, in another 10, 20 years, we wouldn’t have 11 million people here illegally, we’d have 20 or 30 million.
We asked the senator’s office to support that statement. His spokesman, Sean Rushton, said that “it was not a factual statement — it was an opinion.”
Rushton, July 23: Senator Cruz’s statement cannot possibly be fact-checked, because it was not a factual statement — it was an opinion. Sen. Cruz obviously cannot cite any “facts” about what the level of illegal immigration will be in 10 or 20 years. He made a prediction about future levels of illegal immigration based on contingent future events, so there are no data that can prove or disprove this statement. Any attempt to assess the truth or falsity of this statement would simply be political editorializing, rather than an assessment of the validity of empirical, factual statements about the world as it exists today.
Nobody can predict the future, but there is a nonpartisan congressional office that produces reports for members of Congress to consider when making policy decisions. We’re referring, of course, to the Congressional Budget Office, which was created by Congress in 1974 to provide “impartial information about budgetary and economic issues,” CBO says. And CBO estimates that in 10 years there would be 6.4 million “future unauthorized residents” without the legislation and 4 million with it — a “net decline in future unauthorized residents” of 37.5 percent.
We arrived at those numbers by reviewing two different CBO reports.
International Olympic Committee warns Russia after anti-gay law
The International Olympic Committee has released a statement to Windy City Times acknowledging the passage of anti-gay laws in Russia and calling for the acceptance of all athletes. The winter Olympic games are in Sochi, Russia in 2014, and there have been calls for a boycott of the event from some LGBT activists.
The IOC said that it will "work to ensure" that the Sochi Games take place without discrimination against LGBT participants.
But the statement from the Lausanne, Switzerland-based organization was short on specifics, only reiterating support for LGBT athletes and opposing any discrimination against them.
"The International Olympic Committee is clear that sport is a human right and should be available to all regardless of race, sex or sexual orientation," said the statement. "The Games themselves should be open to all, free of discrimination, and that applies to spectators, officials, media and of course athletes. We would oppose in the strongest terms any move that would jeopardize this principle.
"As you know, this legislation has just been passed into law and it remains to seen whether and how it will be implemented, particularly as regards the Games in Sochi. As a sporting organization, what we can do is to continue to work to ensure that the Games can take place without discrimination against athletes, officials, spectators and the media. Wider political issues in the country are best dealt with by other international organizations more suited to this endeavor."
Legislation prohibiting the dissemination of "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" in Russia passed in late June. Activists suggest that the law will give authorities a wide berth in interpreting what "propaganda" actually entails, and fear that even so much as a public declaration of being gay would be in violation of the law. Foreigners are subject to the rule as well; they can be fined, detained for 15 days and deported.
Some organizations had been urging IOC to come out more forcefully against the laws. In mid-June, after the legislation had passed the Duma, Boris O. Dittrich, advocacy director of the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch, asked IOC to "to press the authorities to state publicly that, as Olympic Host, Russia will ensure, without distinction, the safety and the freedom of expression and association of all athletes, coaches, fans, and others who will attend the Sochi Games."
Some participants, however, have said they will not be threatened by the rule. Blake Skjellerup, an out speed skater from New Zealand who also competed in the Vancouver games, has said he will take part, wearing a rainbow pin. "If that gets me in trouble," he told vocativ.com, "then, I guess, so be it."
The House Republican Conference manual
The GOP-controlled Congress will be taking the month of August off for their Summer recess
(with fully pay). Here is the House Republican Conference manual that all of them have received.
It gives them instructions on how to hold townhall meetings and use social media to lie to their
constituents about Obamacare, the President, and Democrats. They call it their "Planning Kit."
We call it treasonous, obstructionist, BULLSHIT.
(with fully pay). Here is the House Republican Conference manual that all of them have received.
It gives them instructions on how to hold townhall meetings and use social media to lie to their
constituents about Obamacare, the President, and Democrats. They call it their "Planning Kit."
We call it treasonous, obstructionist, BULLSHIT.
ALEC - The American Legislative Exchange Council - Explained in 5 Minutes
DISCLAIMER: As far as I know, the ALEC scholarship fund has not paid for any legislator to tan - that said, the fund has been used for sporting events, gun shows, cigar tours, and other "junket" type activities. My apologies for the mixup.
ALEC is a 501 c3 non-profit organization. According to the group: "It is the nation's largest nonpartisan (sic) individual membership association of state legislators (sic), with nearly 2,000 members across the nation and more than 100 alumni members in Congress."
What ALEC does is criminal, and it needs to be stopped. Please click on the links below for more information on how you can help:
Visit AlecExposed to view the model legislation and learn more about ALEC:
Sign a petition to get corporations out of ALEC:
“I’d like to give the Koch’s the bird, from my whole family!
Just keep your phony culture war, and keep your f*cking TEA!”
Watch, Laugh, Share:
Get Ready for Obamacare: Health Insurance Changes Coming Your Way Under the Affordable Care Act
2014 is coming–are you ready for Obamacare? Join the YouToons as they walk through the basic changes in the way Americans will get health coverage and what it will cost starting in 2014, when major parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” go into effect.
Texas Governor Rick Perry open to running in 2016
The Opposite of Glee – RIP Cory Monteith
In the interview he gave Parade in 2011, he spoke about smoking pot and drinking as a kid, trying 12 different schools before finally quitting altogether at 16, the intervention his family and friends arranged when he was 19 and stealing money from a relative to fund his addiction. In April, he checked into rehab again and was supposedly full of gratitude when he checked out a month later. But perhaps the most haunting evidence of the tragedy is evident in an interview he did on a show called George Tonight, when he talked ever so openly about the unarguably painful experience of hearing from his dad—whom he had no relationship with anymore. Apparently, once Monteith became famous, his dad sent him a note on Facebook; Monteith sounded all of about 10 years old as he detailed their re-connection. “It was the best thing to come of this,” he said—this meaning his fame and success—before compassionately explaining why he was so open to letting his dad back in. “Parents are just people, too,” he said. “They make mistakes.”
While of course parental abandonment doesn't always lead to addiction, it’s not entirely uncommon, either. And Monteith does a solid job of explaining addiction in the interview, calling his reasons for using the result of “not really having a self-image at the time.” The fact that he was so willing to be compassionate, so willing to, as he says in the interview, “try and do the next right thing,” feels unbelievably tragic at this juncture. As he said, “Fame provides so many opportunities to do the next wrong thing.”
Photo courtesy of Parade.
The GOP Is Destroying America
Since 2000, when George W. Bush, with the help of arch-conservative Republican Chief Justice William Rehnquist and his fellow Republican Justices, stole the Presidency, the Guns Over People party has worked to destroy the America built up by the New…(via LA Progressive)
Social Security Accepting Same-Sex Claims
Is VA Gov. Bob McDonnell Negotiating Resignation Over Felonies?
Turns out that VA's wingnut Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who's running to replace O'Donnell, is also involved in this same scandal. Oops!
Even though he denies it, there are numerous rumors that outgoing VA Gov. Bob McDonnell, the man who wanted to be Mitt Romney's vice president, has a different kind of future in store -- namely, agreeing to resign in exchange for avoiding charges. I guess we'll know soon!
RICHMOND — A prominent political donor gave $70,000 to a corporation owned by Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell and his sister last year, and the governor did not disclose the money as a gift or loan, according to people with knowledge of the payments.
The donor, wealthy businessman Jonnie R. Williams Sr., also gave a previously unknown $50,000 check to the governor’s wife, Maureen, in 2011, the people said.
The money to the corporation and Maureen McDonnell brings to $145,000 the amount Williams gave to assist the McDonnell family in 2011 and 2012 — funds that are now at the center of federal and state investigations.
Williams, the chief executive of dietary supplement manufacturer Star Scientific Inc., also provided a $10,000 check in December as a present to McDonnell’s eldest daughter, Jeanine,intended to help defray costs at her May 2013 wedding, the people said.
Virginia’s first family already is under intense scrutiny for accepting $15,000 from the same chief executive to pay for the catering at the June 2011 wedding of Cailin McDonnell at the Executive Mansion.
All the payments came as McDonnell and his wife took steps to promote the donor’s company and its products.
The payments to the corporation, confirmed by people familiar with the transactions, offer the first public example of money provided by Williams that would directly benefit the governor and not just his family.
The money went from a trust, controlled by Williams, to MoBo Real Estate Partners, a limited-liability corporation formed in 2005 by McDonnell and his sister, the sources said.
More here from the Maddow blog.
Larry Flynt: Darrell Issa Is Dirty And Corrupt
Legendary publisher, author and free speech advocate Larry Flynt joined HuffPost Live's Alyona Minkovski on Wednesday to discuss the NSA, Benghazi and more. Flynt had particularly harsh words for Rep. Darrell Issa.
George Zimmerman Trial Live
George Zimmerman faces charges of second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Editor’s note: This is a live feed of a criminal trial and may contain graphic imagery and language that could offend some viewers.
Watch live, broadcast on NBC News Court will resume when the jury comes back with a verdict
House GOP Sabotages Immigration Bill
Obama Veterans to Lead Clinton Group

The daily operations of a campaign-in-waiting for Clinton, ABC News has learned, will be overseen by Jeremy Bird, the national field director for the Obama campaign who was pivotal in building an army of grassroots supporters. Joining him is Mitch Stewart, who was one of Obama’s earliest campaign aides and led his effort in battleground states during the 2012 re-election campaign.
Jeremy Bird |
Mitch Stewart |
It is the latest sign that Ready for Hillary, the super PAC seeking to pave the way for a possible candidacy, is serious.
“It’s her decision to make,” Bird told ABC News. “This is about putting the infrastructure in place on the grassroots side, should she decide to run.” The new partnership is scheduled to be announced Wednesday morning.
Bird and the team at his new firm, 270 Strategies, will seek to use their on-the-ground organizing methods from the last two Obama campaigns to help bring together Clinton supporters from across the country.
“We know from years of leading the Obama organization that empowering people and engaging grassroots volunteers are the most critical components of building a winning, 21st century campaign,” Bird said. “That’s why we’re pleased to be working with the Ready for Hillary team to help tap into the organic grassroots energy we’re seeing around the country from voters of all ages who are already inspired by the notion of a potential Clinton candidacy.”
The Ready for Hillary super PAC is an independent group working to promote a Clinton candidacy. It is not officially aligned with Clinton, the former secretary of state, or her husband, the former president, although several key supporters and advisers play key roles with the group. Yet it is largely functioning as a shadow campaign for Clinton -- if she decides to run for president eight years after her first bid fell short to Obama.
The firm that Bird formed is named after the number of electoral votes needed to win the White House. Bird and Stewart, along with other Obama veterans, will help the Ready for Hillary group and develop a ground and digital organization to prepare for a possible candidacy.
“She’s shown what it takes to lead on a national stage,” Bird told ABC News. “It’s up to her to make a decision, but we want to make sure she has the room to do that.”
Boehner refuses to bring Senate immigration bill to the House
Boehner has a tough job ahead; it’s hard to get House Republicans to agree on almost anything. TheWashington Post has a comprehensive breakdown of the factions in the House Republicans. PolicyMic pundit Jessie Bullock says the GOP could see big gains at the ballot box if the House manages to pass comprehensive reform.
Professor Michael Mann: Ken Cuccinelli Subpoenaed My Emails
Scientists shouldn't have to look over their shoulders whenever they do work whose conclusions might offend somebody with a political ax to grind."
That's what the Richmond Times Dispatch had to say about Ken Cuccinelli's investigation of my research at the University of Virginia. He subpoenaed thousands of documents about my work in climate science — just because he didn't like my academic conclusions.
I've moved my research to Penn State, but I was back in the Commonwealth this week meeting with scientists and researchers at some of our leading universities to make sure they know one thing:
Terry McAuliffe believes science is science and thinks researchers should be able to do their work without government interference.
If you agree that science is science, please add your name to this petition telling Ken Cuccinelli that politicians have no business investigating scientific research they don't agree with:
That's what the Richmond Times Dispatch had to say about Ken Cuccinelli's investigation of my research at the University of Virginia. He subpoenaed thousands of documents about my work in climate science — just because he didn't like my academic conclusions.
I've moved my research to Penn State, but I was back in the Commonwealth this week meeting with scientists and researchers at some of our leading universities to make sure they know one thing:
Terry McAuliffe believes science is science and thinks researchers should be able to do their work without government interference.
If you agree that science is science, please add your name to this petition telling Ken Cuccinelli that politicians have no business investigating scientific research they don't agree with:
Thanks for standing up for science — and for me.
Professor Michael Mann
Professor Michael Mann
The Muslim Brotherhood Defeated
CAIRO — As President Mohammed Morsi huddled in his guard's quarters during his last hours as Egypt's first elected leader, he received a call from an Arab foreign minister with a final offer to end a standoff with the country's top generals, the New York Times reported Saturday, citing unnamed senior advisers with the president.
The abrupt end of Egypt's first Islamist government was the culmination of months of escalating tensions and ultimately futile U.S. efforts to broker a solution that would keep Morsi in his elected office, at least in name if not in power. A new alliance of youthful activists and Mubarak-era elites was driving street protests. A collapsing economy put new pressure on Morsi and his allies in the Muslim Brotherhood, the once-outlawed Islamist group that had finally come to power after the ouster of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. And an alliance between Morsi and the nation's top generals was gradually unraveling.
The State Department had no comment Saturday on the details of the U.S. role in Morsi's final days. Separately, President Barack Obama on Saturday reiterated that the United States is not aligned with and is not supporting any particular Egyptian political party or group and again condemned the ongoing violence across Egypt, the White House said in a statement.His top foreign policy adviser, Essam el-Haddad, then left the room to call the U.S. ambassador, Anne Patterson, to say that Morsi refused. When he returned, he said that he had spoken to Susan Rice, the White House national security adviser, and that the military takeover was about to begin, senior aides said.
The Muslim Brotherhood official watched a boy wave an Egyptian flag and listened to cars honk celebrating the army’s kicking the Islamic movement out of power and jailing its leaders.
CAIRO — As President Mohammed Morsi huddled in his guard's quarters during his last hours as Egypt's first elected leader, he received a call from an Arab foreign minister with a final offer to end a standoff with the country's top generals, the New York Times reported Saturday, citing unnamed senior advisers with the president.
The foreign minister said he was acting as an emissary of Washington, the advisers said, and he asked if Morsi would accept the appointment of a new prime minister and Cabinet, one that would take over all legislative powers and replace his chosen provincial governors.
The aides said they already knew what Morsi's answer would be. He had responded to a similar proposal by vowing to die before accepting what he considered a de facto coup and thus a crippling blow to Egyptian democracy.
The abrupt end of Egypt's first Islamist government was the culmination of months of escalating tensions and ultimately futile U.S. efforts to broker a solution that would keep Morsi in his elected office, at least in name if not in power. A new alliance of youthful activists and Mubarak-era elites was driving street protests. A collapsing economy put new pressure on Morsi and his allies in the Muslim Brotherhood, the once-outlawed Islamist group that had finally come to power after the ouster of the former president, Hosni Mubarak. And an alliance between Morsi and the nation's top generals was gradually unraveling.
The State Department had no comment Saturday on the details of the U.S. role in Morsi's final days. Separately, President Barack Obama on Saturday reiterated that the United States is not aligned with and is not supporting any particular Egyptian political party or group and again condemned the ongoing violence across Egypt, the White House said in a statement.His top foreign policy adviser, Essam el-Haddad, then left the room to call the U.S. ambassador, Anne Patterson, to say that Morsi refused. When he returned, he said that he had spoken to Susan Rice, the White House national security adviser, and that the military takeover was about to begin, senior aides said.
Senior Brotherhood officials said Morsi's adamant response to the last proposal — a combination of idealism and stubbornness — epitomized his rule. It may also have doomed his presidency.
Morsi never believed the generals would turn on him as long as he respected their autonomy and privileges, his advisers said. He had been the Muslim Brotherhood's designated envoy for talks with the ruling military council after the ouster of Mubarak. His counterpart on the council was Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi.
The Brotherhood was naturally suspicious of the military, its historical opponent, but Sissi cultivated Morsi and other leaders, one of them said, including going out of his way to show that he was a pious Muslim.
The two grew so close that Morsi caught his advisers by surprise when he promoted Sissi to defense minister last summer as part of a deal that persuaded the military for the first time to let the elected president take full control of his government.
But the generals' exit, however, only redoubled the criticism from Morsi's opponents that the Islamists were monopolizing power. Morsi failed to broaden his appeal among the sectarian opposition amid complaints that he and the Brotherhood were monopolizing power. And when the protests took off last fall, Sissi signaled that his departure from politics might not be permanent.
Without consulting Morsi, the general publicly invited all the country's fractious political factions — from social democrats to ultraconservative sheiks — to a meeting to try to hammer out a compromise on a more inclusive government. Morsi quashed the idea, advisers said, to avoid drawing the generals back into politics.
Sissi said publicly last week that he continued after that to try to broker some compromise with the opposition and to ease the political polarization. It was at that point, Morsi's advisers say, that they first suspected Sissi of intrigue.
Morsi, they say, often pressed Sissi to stop unnamed military officials from making threatening or disparaging statements toward the president in the news media. Sissi merely that said newspapers and media exaggerate, and that he was trying to control the tensions toward the president inside the military, one adviser said.
Yet Morsi insisted to his aides that he remained fully confident that Sissi would not interfere, almost until the end of his presidency. He was the last one in the inner circle to acknowledge last week that Sissi was ousting them.
The Muslim Brotherhood official watched a boy wave an Egyptian flag and listened to cars honk celebrating the army’s kicking the Islamic movement out of power and jailing its leaders.
He expected his time would soon come. He participates in party committees and has ties to senior leadership. He knew there was a list of 300 leaders wanted for arrest and banned from travel.
The Brother had not reported to work in three days, had sent his wife and child abroad, and was spending most of the time among the safety of the thousands of Brotherhood supporters in Cairo’s Nasser City demanding Egypt’s first truly democratically-elected president, Muslim Brother Mohammed Morsi, be reinstated.
He was certain state security listened to his phone calls.
“It is not a good feeling when you worry about being arrested every day. This is worse than Mubarak. It’s like 1954 when in one night, they arrested 18,000 Brotherhood members,” he said.
The man has made discrete enquiries about getting political asylum abroad.
“I don’t want to live in a country where I lose my basic rights,” he said. “My only crime is I was against the Mubarak regime.”
As the Brother spoke, he glanced at news on his smartphone of an attack on Brothers in the city of Zagazig, north of Cairo. He said gangs were chasing Brotherhood supporters in the street. “There was a massacre tonight,” he said.
And he smiled ruefully at the military’s ability to bring the organization down.
“They played a dirty game,” he said.
As he sipped his coffee, unsure of what would come next, the Brother was most of all defiant. He provided a window into the religious party’s mindset in the wake of its stunning humiliation at the hands of the protestors, political opponents and their longtime nemesis in the military.
The Brother did not see any mistakes on the part of the Brotherhood, other than not moving quickly enough against its enemies. “Some members of the Brotherhood favored incremental change over radical change. Morsi was patient and friendly while his enemies aggressively moved against him,” the Brother said.
He imagined what could have been if the courts had not blocked the Brotherhood’s original candidate for president, Khairat el-Shaiter, from running in the June 2012 election. “He would have been more forceful,” the Brother.
General Abdel Fattah al-Sis |
“Morsi was kind. He was not corrupt and sometimes in politics you are punished if you are a kind man,” he said.
Still, the Brother paid tribute to Morsi for not backing down as it became clear the protests held on June 30 would prove his undoing. He claimed in the protests’ wake, Morsi refused the army’s offers to leave for Turkey or Qatar and “told them do your military coup but I will not surrender.”
The Brother quoted an Oliver Stone movie about American football to explain why Morsi refused to back down. “On any given Sunday you may win or lose, but if you lose act like a man,” the Brother said. “These are our values.”
The Brother knew that a restoration of power to the Brotherhood was not likely to come soon. The party had a secret plan for their followers to disrupt the nation’s capital with demonstrations Friday, but he believed it would be a long war for the Brotherhood to get justice. But they could absorb the crackdown by the military.
“This is how we have lived under Mubarak, before Mubarak and under the king,” he said. “We can wait a year or two years. Our millions will not fly away. There will be a payback.”
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