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- The Purpose Of FOX News
- What The GOP Doesn't Know About The Constitution
- Our Liberal Founding Fathers
- The Bible and Homosexuality
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- 20 Vile Quotes Against Women By Religious Leaders From St. Augustine to Pat Robertson
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- What Does the New Testament Say about Homosexuality?
- How The Right Wing Took Over America's Media
- 35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate
- Here's 15 things everyone would know if there really were a "liberal media"
- Neo-Con Project For The New American Century
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- Jesus On S-E-X
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- Jesus Versus Republicans: On S-E-X
- Religion & Homosexuality
Christine O'Donnell's books sales a disaster
Maybe she could do what the rest of the GOP profiteers do, Open a PAC as buy your own book and giveaway as a premium when someone donates 100.00
Rampant Denial About the Threat Posed By Christian Dominionists, Perry and Bachmann
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As Irene Lashes Carolinas, Parts Of N.Y., N.J. Evacuate
Residents of low-lying areas of New York City and those in the summer resort towns along the 100-mile Jersey Shore were ordered to evacuate Friday, as Hurricane Irene barreled toward the Mid-Atlantic region.
The hurricane was expected to make landfall in North Carolina early Saturday as a Category 2 storm, then move up the Eastern Seaboard, where more than 50 million people from the Carolinas to Massachusetts could be in its path. Rain and tropical storm-force winds of at least 39 mph were already pelting the coasts of the Carolinas on Friday.
This NOAA satellite image shows Hurricane Irene as it approached the East Coast on Friday.
Experts are forecasting billions of dollars in losses, though the storm's economic impact will depend on factors including its size and speed and where it makes landfall. Computer models from catastrophic-insurance provider ICAT put the estimated damage at $4.7 billion, a figure that includes destruction of homes, cars, public infrastructure and other property caused by high winds and flooding.
President Obama, speaking from his vacation rental on Martha's Vineyard, Mass., said all indications point to the storm being a historic hurricane.
Gaddafi’s House in Tripoli: Playboy, Corona, Hot Tub - The Daily Beast
Free 2012, Obama bumper stickers
A bumper sticker may seem like a small gesture, but it sends a message that our commitment to this campaign is one that's shared by Americans all around the country -- and we want as many supporters as possible to send that same message to folks in their communities.
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Bottom line: You'll stay looped in, and you'll get a free sticker too. Not a bad deal.
Sign up here to get your free 2012 campaign sticker today -- and be sure to pass this message on to any other supporter you think would want one:
Perry Vaults Into Lead For GOP Nomination In Two National Polls
Former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney has been the frontrunner in most national polls of the GOP primary over the last year, and the general punditry considered it his nomination to lose, at least at first. And while it's still early, new polling released on Wednesday shows his unchallenged time at the head of the pack may be over.
A new national Gallup poll of GOP and GOP-leaning voters shows Romney, who had more than a quarter of the total vote in Gallup's June numbers in the same poll, has fallen to 17 percent, while newly minted candidate Tex. Gov. Rick Perry surges to 29 percent and the lead. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), considered a top contender, falls to fourth with 10 percent, behind Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) at 13 percent. The rest of the field is in single digits.
Romney's New Anti-Union Video Is Dangerous
Romney's video (and presumably his next RtW salvo as well) is just plain wrong. The video features a New Hampshire business owner, one in the warm grandpa mode, talking plaintively about how his business is a family and he has "reasonable confidence" his workers are happy and he's just worried about them, the workers:
What if they don't want to join the union and the union says you have to join? What happens to them? Do they have to leave the company because it's a union house? Well, to me that's absolutely wrong. Absolutely wrong....We live in the Live Free or Die state and they can damn well choose whether they want to join an organization or not join an organization.Read more
Top Romney adviser campaigned for Marxist Islamic terrorist group
One of former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney's (R) top foreign policy advisers became the subject of a report by Salon on Tuesday for his links to a group of Iranian terrorists who were responsible for killing Iranian civilians and U.S. citizens during the 1970s.
Known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, or just MEK, the group is described by the U.S. State Department as a cult-like sect formed in the 1960s to combat western influence, driven by a mixture of Marxism and Islam. It is also the largest armed resistance group opposed to the current Iranian regime.
Robocalling Against Robocalls for Fun and Profit
Study: Tea Party Members Cultural Dispositions 'Authoritarianism, Fear Of Change, Libertarianism And Nativism'
A new academic study cites the four primary characteristics of the Tea Party movement as 'Authoritarianism, Fear Of Change, Libertarianism And Nativism.'
Major Funder For Glenn Beck’s Israel Rally Linked To Anti-Semitic Group
David Barton’s record of intolerance and historical revisionism should offer some insights into who is funding Beck’s Jerusalem rally and which individuals have Beck’s ear. Back in 1994, the Anti-Defamation League had harsh words for Barton’s decision to appear at events hosted by the Christian Identity movement, a group the ADL said:
Asserts that Jews are ‘the synagogue of Satan’; that Blacks and other people of color are subhuman; and that northern European whites and their American descendants are the ‘chosen people’ of scriptural prophesy.
Gaddafi’s rule crumbling as rebels enter heart of Tripoli
Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi’s four-decade-long rule over Libya was crumbling at breakneck speed Sunday as hundreds of rebel fighters swept toward the heart of Tripoli and dissidents said they had secured control of many parts of the capital.
With rebel leaders saying that Gaddafi’s compound was surrounded, that his son Saif al-Islam had been captured and that his presidential guard had surrendered, the six-month-old battle for control of Libya appeared to be hurtling toward a dramatic finale.
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
ALEC, through its members made up mostly of CEOs, endeavors to create what it calls "model bills" in order to influence policies made at the state level. Most of these policies seek to benefit corporate interest, often to the detriment of everyday citizens. Board members at ALEC have direct access to state legislators and make their pitch for these “model bills” that seek to benefit the private sector and often undermine the public sector. The most disturbing fact is people do not get to vote on these bills. This sets up an oligarchic approach to governance, taking the power of influence away from the people and placing it in the hands of the moneyed few.
This organization's stated goal is to get government off of our backs and let the free market reign and regulate itself. It would be one thing if this objective was meant to benefit American citizens, but the double speak of the word "our" here becomes apparent when one looks at who benefits from such proposals. Everyday hard-working Americans do not benefit from deregulated businesses that pollute our air and drinking water or make public school too expensive for the working class.
While lobbyists have been around for ages trying to influence legislative actions in politics, ALEC takes it a step further by enacting legislation at the state level in a coordinated effort of influence. Further, every citizen of our democratic republic does not get to vote on such legislation. This is what makes it especially dangerous. Democracy gets thrown out of the window when citizens are bypassed by corporate entities that dictate new legislation.
What is especially dangerous is ALEC’s attempt of voter suppression. All across the country, states are adopting laws that seek to disenfranchise minority voters. It seems that ALEC is trying to find ways around the annoying ability of everyday Americans to voice their opinions. This is just another example, among many, of the ways in which ALEC seeks to undermine our democracy.
Websites like and provide information on how to combat such takeovers. Democracy is dependent on an educated electorate, but with organizations like this in place we find our small voices not only silenced but circumvented and ignored.
Thomas Jefferson himself once said, "I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." Since our country's founding this sort of power play has been happening. It is time we the people, with our small voices, stand against the tyranny of moneyed interests.
Elizabeth Warren vs. Scott Brown: It's On | Mother Jones
What beliefs predict a Tea Partier?
Why do the Kochs want to end public education?

Our latest video connects the dots and reveals how the Koch brothers fight against public education in every possible way.
Their efforts began in North Carolina where they funded an effort to resegregate schools in an award winning school district. Using the same language as Gov. George Wallace in the 60s, Koch-supported school board members attempted to make “segregation always” a policy for tens of thousands of families.
While David and Charles Koch drink down the high life, they are causing tens of thousands of families in North Carolina to lose their opportunity at enjoying educational equality and a free and fair shot at success. It’s part and parcel of the Kochs’ ideology to dismantle public service generally.
Watch the video, then take action.
Call David Koch at his Manhattan office at 212-319-1100 and tell him to "stop funding school resegregation now."
We can’t let the Koch brothers ruin an equal opportunity for all. We've partnered with the Advancement Project, People for the American Way, Center for Social Inclusion and African American Ministers in Action to take action and spread this important investigation around.
You can forward our video to a friend by clicking here.
Robert Greenwald
and the Brave New Foundation team
P.S. I invite you to join our Koch Brothers Exposed page on Facebook and follow me onTwitter.
Dominionism: Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry’s Dangerous Religious Bond
A Christian Plot for World Domination?
Surging GOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren't just devout—both have deep ties to a fringe fundamentalist movement known as Dominionism, which says Christians should rule all earthly institutions. The Daily Beast's Michelle Goldberg on the extreme belief system that may be driving the Republican Party to theocracy. |
Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren't just devout—both have deep ties to a fringe fundamentalist movement known as Dominionism, which says Christians should rule the world.
Former Counterterrorism Czar Accuses Tenet, Other CIA Officials of Cover-Up
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GOP Debate Watch
The Republican presidential candidates are debating in Iowa tonight, and we're keeping score. Keep track with our new scoreboard and you'll be able to see where they double down, where they backtrack, and what they fail to account for at all.
Each of the eight candidates at tonight's debate has three past statements up on the board. When someone reiterates a promise about bringing down Obamacare or taking away the minimum wage, we'll show it on the board with a checkmark. When a candidate runs away from their record, it'll show up as an X.
You can help get the word out about the candidates' reinforcements and reversals by using the scoreboard to share your favorite moments from tonight's debate on Facebook or Twitter.
Folks will also be tweeting at #GOPDebate and #Scoreboard. Don't forget the popcorn.
How Right-Wing Extremist Rick Perry Passes Himself Off As A Regular Guy--And How That Could Win Him The GOP Nomination
Mitt Romney Behind S&P downgrade scandal
Gov. Perry wants presidency, says Bush prodded him to run - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Gov. Perry wants presidency, says Bush prodded him to run
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) talked to former President George W. Bush last month about possibly running for president.
In an interview with Time magazine, Perry, who's set to make an announcement about entering the race this weekend in South Carolina, said he has decided he wants to be president. And he said his predecessor in Texas governor prodded him toward running.
" 'You’ll do what’s right,' " Perry said Bush had told him when Perry called the former president on his birthday. "He said you don’t want to wake up when you’re 70 and go, 'I wish I had tried that. I wish I had done that.' "
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Pelosi picks Clyburn, Van Hollen, Becerra for supercommittee - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has selected Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) for the so-called "supercommittee" on Thursday.
Progressives Say American Dream Movement Rivals Tea Party | Truthout
Mike Ludwig, Truthout: "As Americans face the economic fallout of the recent debt deal in Washington, members of the burgeoning American Dream Movement on Tuesday announced the Contract for the American Dream, a new agenda for economic recovery supported by a grassroots movement that progressive leaders say will rival the Tea Party in size and impact."
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Progressives Say American Dream Movement Rivals Tea Party
Fox Nation Blows The Racial Dog Whistle Once Again
Help Get Out the Vote in Wisconsin from Home!
You can volunteer and make a difference in the recall effort from home or wherever you are.
Our friends at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Democracy For America have a great tool for activists across the country to help with progressive GOTV (get out the vote) efforts.
Simply sign up at for shifts from tomorrow through Tuesday and you'll get set up with an orientation, a script and everything you need to call important voters in Wisconsin to make sure they turn out.
If you live in a bordering state -- or even if you don't -- and can actually make it to Wisconsin this weekend or early next week, we need your help. Canvasses and other volunteer opportunities will be going on through Election Day. You can sign up to volunteer in person on We Are Wisconsin's web site here.
Sign up to volunteer in person OR call voters from your home ... Help defeat extremist Wisconsin Republicans ... Elect Democrats who will stand up to the corporatist right-wing agenda ... And stop the war on working families.