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- 10 Quotes From Founding Fathers On Separation Of Church And State
- The Purpose Of FOX News
- What The GOP Doesn't Know About The Constitution
- Our Liberal Founding Fathers
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- What Does the New Testament Say about Homosexuality?
- How The Right Wing Took Over America's Media
- 35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate
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- Jesus Versus Republicans: On S-E-X
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The Party Of NO
Win for gun control advocates.
The Senate Wednesday defeated Sen. John Thune's (R-SD) "concealed carry" gun amendment with a vote of 58-39. The AP called it "a rare win for gun control advocates." [TP] Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
If gay couples can't marry, neither should straight couples, at least according to some clergy. These progressive clergy members agree they cannot "in good conscience function as an agent of the government," since gay couples are not accorded the rights of legally sanctioned marriage. They will perform marriages, but not sign the marriage certificate, similar to current commitment ceremonies by gay couples. Very cool! And one to grow on11) CHURCH BULLETINBishops at the annual Episcopal General Convention this week voted 99-45 to allow a new church statement declaring "God has called and may call" to ministry gays in committed lifelong relationships. The move is yet another step forward "toward affirming their acceptance of gays and lesbians for all roles in the ministry, despite pressure from fellow Anglicans worldwide for a decisive moratorium on consecrating another openly gay bishop." [USA Today] Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
David Brooks: A Republican senator put ‘his hand on my inner thigh’ for a ‘whole’ dinner party.
Earlier this week, New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote about how "the dignity code" has been "completely obliterated" in Washington, DC. Discussing the concept on MSNBC today, Brooks recalled how he "sat next to a Republican senator once at dinner and he had his hand on my inner thigh the whole time":
Brooks said that he has "spoken to a lot of young women who are Senate staffers and they'll have these middle age guys who are sort of in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Emotionally needy, they don't know how to do it and sort of like these St. Bernards drooling everywhere." Watch it: When O'Donnell asked if he had "a couple drinks at lunch," Brooks said that he was just "trying not to be too dignified and stuffy." Transcript: O'DONNELL: What, what's happened? From Think Progress Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Forget The Spinning Heads America Perfers Democrats
The latest Research 2000 poll conducted from July 6-9, 2009 found that when adults were asked which party they would like to see more of in 2010, Democrats beat out the Republicans, 41% to 28%. CNN has recently released a poll they conducted from June 26-28, 2009 that found that 50% of adults thought it was good for the country that the Democrats were in control of Congress. Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Sen. John Kyl, on not investigating secret
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Sen Dick Durbin, on illegality of secret cia program
SEN. DICK DURBIN: "The executive branch of government cannot create programs like these programs and keep congress in the dark.. To have a massive program that was concealed from the leaders in congress is not only inappropriate, it could be illegal."Listen to SOUND CLIPListen to my news Podcast http://ronmills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us%20/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Sarah Palin Will Sue Anybody That Questions Her Ethics
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S.S. "Titanic" Palin
In Alaska it's become known as "the iceberg." The iceberg is rumored to be a piece of news that's so damaging, and so big, it will sink the S.S. Palin. The rumors also exist that it's coming soon. Speculation about IRS problems, issues with other three-letter organizations, more ethics complaints, and embezzlement abound. Questions have been raised about the construction of Palin's house by a bunch of Todd's buddies, at the same time that a giant sports complex was being built just down the road in Wasilla, and right after building codes had been abolished by the then mayor of Wasilla, one Sarah Palin. Do we know anything for sure? No. But the recent claim that the breaking of this scandal is imminent seems coincidental to say the least. Alaskans hesitate to get too excited about rumored indictments, though. Despite the indictment and conviction of several state legislators, and the indictment-conviction and now un-conviction of former Senator Ted Stevens, the slow process has taught us patience. We still await rumored indictments of Congressman Don Young, and former State Senate President Ben Stevens (son of Ted Stevens.) You can't make this stuff up. Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Did an embezzlement scandal force Sarah Palin to resign?
Alaska bloggers have reported in recent weeks that "a long simmering embezzelment/IRS scandal is still being looked at by the feds." In her press conference today, Palin asked the public to "trust me with this decision and know that it is no more politics as usual." But she also bemoaned "political operatives" who have "descended on Alaska" to investigate "all sorts of frivolous ethics violations." Palin said this "politics of personal destruction" was one of the key motivating factors behind her decision today. Update Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore writes, "For weeks the rumors of a criminal investigation against the governor have been brewing. They are rumors, but are swirling fresh again with Palin's resignation. I'm holding my breath for the other 'Naughty Monkey' to drop." From Thinkprogress.com Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Top 10 Sarah Palin videos
TPM has rounded up the Top 10 Sarah Palin videos we've posted on the site since her selection as McCain's veep last year. These are the most-viewed clips of her stumbles and bumbles and of the coverage surrounding here -- in all their viral loveliness. Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |
Sarah Palin has just announced that she is resigning from the office of Governor.
Sarah Palin has just announced that she is resigning as Governor of Alaska. At a news conference from her house, the Alaska Governor said that she will give up her post in the next few weeks. Many observers expected Palin to announce that she was not seeking re-election -- a prediction fueled by recent speculation that the Governor was preparing for 2012 Presidential bid. But Palin's shocking announcement seems to bely plans for a Presidential run. As Josh Marshall points out at TPM, "Generally, when you run for election to a high office it's understood that you'll stick around to do the job." Listen to my news Podcast http://RonMills.us/news Visit My Social Media Blog http://ronmills.us/ Visit me on twitter http://Twitter.com/RainbowUSA Visit Me On Face Book http://RonMills.us/facebook My Biz on Twitter http://Twitter.com/theRbuzz |