On August 12, 2017, the
Department of Justice was granted a warrant to obtain a wide range of
information about individuals who visited a website used to organize protests
to President Trump’s inauguration. In addition to IP addresses for these 1.3
million people, DOJ is also seeking cell phone numbers, credit card
information, even photos. This is not the first request by the Trump
Administration for sweeping information about U.S. citizens— recall the demand
to provide personal information about voters.
On August 15, 2017 Trump
issued an Executive Order overturning an Obama administration Federal Flood
Risk Management Standard. The standard ensured that when federal dollars build
infrastructure projects, they factor in increased resilience against flooding from
the best available climate science. When Hurricane Sandy hit New York and New
Jersey, it caused tens of billions of dollars in damage to their
infrastructure. Preparing the next generation of infrastructure against storms
that are already hitting our coasts not only helps them continue to function
after a storm, but also saves us money in the long run.
According to an August
10, 2017 report from the Environmental Integrity Project, the first 6 months of
Trump's presidency has seen the Department of Justice file fewer cases against
companies for violating the Clean Water Act, and they have also collected far
less in civil penalties. The Trump administration has collected just $12
million in civil penalties, compared to $30 million under the first 6 months of
George W. Bush's administration, and $25 million in the Clinton
administration’s first six months. In last week's Behind the Curtain we
reported on how Wall Street regulators have similarly prioritized business
interests over the protection of the average American.
4. According to an August 7, 2017 Wall Street
Journal report, financial regulators such as the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have
issued far fewer fines so far this year than during the same period last year.
These entities regulate Wall Street and the financial industry. This decline in
penalties issued to companies is in keeping with the Trump Administration’s
prioritization of business interests over the average consumer.
An August 7, 2017 news
report highlights President Trump’s practice of establishing advisory
committees to supplement federal agency work in areas ranging from
environmental policy and transportation to voting laws. While this practice is
permitted under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Trump Administration is
not living up to the letter or spirit of that law. There are requirements to
make certain information matters of public record, such as membership and
meeting details, for example. Most of these commissions are also made up of
non-government employees. For example, the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative,
charged with employment creation, is being led by Andrew Liveris who is the
Chairman of Dow Chemical. The Administration is rarely releasing required information
and some of the commissions are already targets of lawsuits because of this
lack of transparency. This disregard for the Federal Advisory Committee Act
adds another layer to the secrecy pervading this presidency. These commissions
are reviewing and proposing federal policy and their work should not be hidden
from the public.
6. According to an August 1, 2017 Washington Post
report, Secretary of State Tillerson has directed State Department leaders to
review and update the department’s mission statement as part of an overall
internal review. The redrafted mission statement, which is not yet final, omits
reference to promoting democracy abroad. The mission statement essentially sets
forth the purposes of the United States foreign policy. The only major edit to
the current mission statement is the removal of the phrase“. . .just, and
democratic. . .” This is not simply a matter of wordsmithing or editing. The
State Department is responsible for explaining to foreign governments, those
who share our principles and those who do not, the way we see our role in the
world. A change in its message could have ugly consequences: it could embolden
tyrants and undermine supporters of human rights and the rule of law.
Also See Our Post
So What Has Really Been Going On Since Trump Took Office