Media Blows Debt Crisis Coverage With Balance Bias

The idea that both sides in any given political fight are equal and deserve equal consideration is skewing the mainstream media's coverage of the debt ceiling fight.

1. The assumption that there is truth and legitimacy to both sides of every dispute.

2. The iron law in political journalism that one side in a debate can never be exclusively right, or have a monopoly on the facts.

This increasingly disorderly fight over raising the debt ceiling has not only exposed the petty dysfunctions of the US Congress, it has also revealed a core failure of American political journalism. The press has made the debt fight the top story for the last two weeks —even accounting for half of all stories on radio and cable news—but much of the coverage has failed to tell the very basics of what is happening.

I don’t mean how this deficit was created (by tax cuts, Medicare and recessions ), or why the debt ceiling gets raised (in response to past decisions by Congress). That stuff matters, but at bottom, this is a story about politics, not the bond market.

This fight started with a partisan threat to sabotoge the economy in order to extract policy concessions, but then, when Democrats offered most of the concessions, it ricocheted and morphed into something else: a high-stakes lightning round of intramural GOP posturing. Right now, we are living through a Republican primary for economic policy. The results may hurt the nation—an externality that Republicans have widely acknowledged, lending bite to their bark—and no one seems to know what you do with an army that wants to keep fighting after there’s no land left to conquer.

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Media Blows Debt Crisis Coverage With Balance Bias

Send Your Fax To Washington: The Big Lie Of Conservative Economics

It's come to this. Either more of us will howl and louder about the 
ongoing debt ceiling debacle in Congress, or this country is headed 
straight for the next Great Depression, do not pass go, do not 
collect $200 (or its value adjusted by hyperinflation). The story 
today is that that the regular phones in Congressional offices are 
already jammed, but you can still get your message, "Hands off Social 
Security and Medicare, End The Wars and Tax The Wealthy Instead", 
through using our state of the art fax system. 

Action Page: 

John Boehner in trouble

Today, the House is expected to vote on Speaker John Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling for six months in exchange for $1 trillion in spending cuts, with more to come over the next 10 years. Many Tea Partiers plan to vote against it in favor of their "Cut, Cap and Balance" pipe dream plan. Here are the top five outbursts to come out of the infighting:

1. "Get your ass in line." -- House Speaker John Boehnerto the rebellious Republican freshman class that has been threatening to vote against his bill.

2. "Fire him! Fire him!" -- Republicans chanting at a Republican Study Commission (RSC) staffer who'd been encouraging Republicans to vote against the Boehner bill and anything other than "Cut, Cap and Balance."

3. "John Boehner has to go." -- Tea Party Nation leader Judson Philips called for the ouster of John Boehner in an email to supporters yesterday, saying Boehner’s plan (elsewhere predicted to “produce the greatest increase in poverty and hardship produced by any law in modern U.S. history”) doesn’t cut spending enough.

4. "It hasn't been rejected, it's been tabled!" -- RSC chairman Jim Jordan refuses to accept that in the Senate, tabling "Cut, Cap and Balance" is the equivalent of voting it down.

5. "The debt limit vote sucks." -- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says what we’re all thinking.

Despite the staunch opposition of the Tea Party, the Republican Study Commission, the Heritage Foundation, and far-right media outlets like RedState, it appears some Tea Party Republicans are giving in to pressure from leaders to support the plan, but even if Boehner finds enough votes, it still doesn't have a hope of also passing in the Senate.


CIVIL WAR: GOP Coalition Splinters Into Open Conflict

The GOP is teetering on the brink of a debt-based civil war. More traditional Republicans and big business types are desperate to avoid a recovery-crushing default. But their Tea Party colleagues are leading a rebellion of epic - perhaps even galactic - proportions.
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CIVIL WAR: GOP Coalition Splinters Into Open Conflict Over Debt Ceiling

CIVIL WAR: GOP Coalition Splinters Into Open Conflict

The GOP is teetering on the brink of a debt-based civil war. More traditional Republicans and big business types are desperate to avoid a recovery-crushing default. But their Tea Party colleagues are leading a rebellion of epic - perhaps even galactic - proportions.
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CIVIL WAR: GOP Coalition Splinters Into Open Conflict Over Debt Ceiling

Congressional Call-in Day to Support HIV/AIDS Programs

Congressional Call-in Day to Support HIV/AIDS Programs

Tell your Senators and Representative that cutting programs vital to people with HIV/AIDS is no way to reduce the deficit - we need a fair and balanced approach now!

  • Congressional negotiations to reduce the federal deficit are still stuck, putting at risk critical services upon which millions of Americans rely, including persons living with HIV/AIDS.
  • The Ryan White Program, Medicaid, Medicare, housing, prevention and other programs that make up the safety net for vulnerable Americans with HIV/AIDS andthe NIH-supported research that holds the keys to ending the pandemic are all on the line.
  • Congress is negotiating now to reduce the deficit and Congress is scheduled to vote on this isssue this week, so we need to exert pressure now!
Please call your Senators and Representative and tell them to prevent harmful cuts and caps to health care and low-income programs, including those that impact persons with HIV/AIDS, in negotiations to reduce the deficit -- we need a fair and balanced approach now! Please make these critical calls today!
To call your Senators and Representative, dial the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121To look up your Members of Congress, use the search box at the bottom of the message.
Please call with this message: I am calling to ask my Senator/Representative to prevent harmful cuts and caps to health care, research, and low-income programs, including those that impact persons living with HIV/AIDS, such as the Ryan White Program, Medicaid, Medicare, housing, and prevention programs! We need a fair and balanced approach now!
  • Balancing the budget on the backs of vulnerable Americans, including those living with HIV, is wrong, will potentially cost lives, and will cut jobs in the health care and human needs sectors.
  • Early and reliable access to HIV care, treatment, and support helps people with HIV live healthy and productive lives and is cost effective. Investing in HIV prevention today translates into greater health and less spending in the future.
  • In my state/district, such programs are greatly needed, because........

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).Exposed

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ALEC is a group that brings together state legislators and representatives of corporations to draft model bills that can then be introduced at the state level of government  

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations. Through ALEC, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU?

For more info CLICK HERE

Boehner cuts off debt talks with Obama

Boehner cuts off debt talks with Obama

New York Post Has a Hacking Problem

Newspapers in Melbourne on July 21, 2011, with coverage dominated by Rupert Murdoch's appearance before a British parliamentary committee. (photo: William West/AFP/Getty Images) 
Eric Boehlert, Media Matters for America 

The report begins: "One week ago, Rupert Murdoch's longtime aide, Les Hinton, was forced to resign as publisher of the Wall Street Journal because of the central role he'd been playing for years in News Corp.'s unraveling phone-hacking scandal. Hinton's resignation, unthinkable just four weeks ago, signaled the severity of News Corp.'s woes in America. Now another Murdoch publisher, Paul Carlucci, who oversees the New York Post, may be facing renewed questions from prosecutors about his business past and what role he played in a News Corp. computer hacking scandal that unfolded right here in the US." 

Video: Obama on the debt celing

Marcus Bachmann’s Clinic Works to ‘Cure’ Gay People

Truth Wins Out Undercover Operation Finds That Marcus Bachmann’s Clinic Works to ‘Cure’ Gay People

Contact: Wayne Besen, Founding Executive Director

TWO’s Investigation Contradicts Bachmann’s Denials That His Clinic Practices ‘Ex-Gay’ Therapy

MINNEAPOLIS – An investigation by Truth Wins Out revealed today that the clinic of Marcus Bachmann, the husband of presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-MN), practices reparative therapy, a controversial and discredited clinical method designed to “cure” gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. TWO’s findings contradict claims by Mr. Bachmann that he and his clinic, Bachmann & Associates, do not participate in reparative therapy. The story broke today in The Nation magazine where Mariah Blake reported on the results of our investigation.

“The results of our investigation should end all doubt whether Marcus Bachmann’s clinic endorses and practices reparative therapy aimed at changing a gay person’s sexual orientation,” said Truth Wins Out’s Executive Director Wayne Besen. “The facts plainly show that Bachmann’s clinic does try to cure gay people and he is being evasive when he claims otherwise.”

“It’s time for Michele and Marcus Bachmann to stop denying, dodging, and stonewalling,” added Truth Wins Out’s Communications and Development Director John Becker. “They owe it to all Americans to provide a full and honest explanation for their embrace of these dangerous and fraudulent practices.”

During a weeklong Truth Wins Out undercover investigation inside Bachmann & Associates with hidden cameras, Becker, attended five private sessions with Bachmann & Associates counselor Timothy Wiertzema.

BachmannThe undeniable goal of the sessions was transforming Becker from homosexual to heterosexual. To his credit, the counselor did not claim that change would be instantaneous or even complete. However, he did explicitly promise that sexual conversion could occur as a result of prayer and therapy at the clinic.

During one of the sessions Wiertzema said, “…It’s possible to be totally free of [same-sex attraction]. For sure.” And that, “It’s happened! It really has happened to people.” In the fifth session, Wiertzema said, “…Obviously your goal is not to have any feelings of attraction for men…And I really am going to recommend that we start working on how you can develop your attraction towards women.”

At no time during the therapy was homosexuality portrayed as a natural variation of human sexuality. Instead it was presented as a treatable condition at odds with a normal and healthy sexual orientation. Becker was told by Wiertzema that “God designed our eyes to be attracted to the woman’s body, to be attracted to everything, to be attracted to her breasts.” Furthermore, according to Timothy, “We’re all heterosexuals, but we have different challenges.” Attraction to the same sex “is there, and it’s real, but at the core value, in terms of how God created us, we’re all heterosexual.”

Becker was never given nor asked to sign any kind of informed consent document that disclosed the dangers of or alternatives to “ex-gay” therapy. As such, TWO believes Bachmann & Associates to be practicing unethically, even by the standards of the American Association of Christian Counselors. Such therapy is considered ineffective and potentially harmful by The American Psychological Association, The American Medical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and The American Psychiatric Association.

“What I found was particularly disconcerting given the fact that Marcus Bachmann’s clinic has received significant funding from the State of Minnesota and the federal government,” said Becker.

For sale inside the clinic was Minnesota “ex-gay” minister Janet Boynes’ book Called Out. It was accompanied by a typewritten note featuring Mr. Bachmann’s endorsement: “Janet is a friend. I recommend this book as she speaks to the heart of the matter and gives practical insights of truth to set people free. – Marcus Bachmann, PhD.”

“It appears that the Bachmann family is trying to distance themselves from some of their more extreme beliefs in an attempt to appeal to mainstream Americans,” said TWO’s Besen. “We think it is important that voters have accurate information and we hope our investigation sheds some light on their genuine views.”

Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that fights anti-LGBT religious extremism. TWO specializes in turning information into action by organizing, advocating and fighting for LGBT equality.

Bachmann's Gay husband Problem

An investigation finds Bachmann's family's clinics encourage patients to "pray away the gay"...

...but she doesn't want to talk about it: