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Republicans plan to hard and dirty to cram through a unvetted and unqualified SCOTUS seat for life

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Strategists advising Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh plan to use aggressive tactics this week in response to the public accusation of a "stumbling drunk" sexual assault in high school that instantly imperiled his confirmation, top sources tell Jonathan Swan:
  • Some involved in the process are going to urge Senate leaders to call on the accuser — Christine Blasey Ford, who went on the record with The Washington Post's Emma Brown — to testify publicly this week, ahead of Thursday's scheduled Judiciary Committee vote. This gambit basically bets that she will decline, and Republicans can then say that they tried to investigate further.
  • A source close to the process said that if Democrats sink Kavanaugh "we’ll just bring in someone more conservative."
There was extreme queasiness in Kavanaugh's camp last night:
  • Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, is represented by Lisa Katz, a Washington lawyer specializing in sexual harassment cases.
  • Republicans won't be surprised if Ford holds a press conference or gives a TV interview, which would raise the stakes considerably.
  • The initial news coverage was brutal ... N.Y. Times: "thrown into uncertainty” ... WashPost: "nomination suddenly in doubt” ... Wall Street Journal: "injecting immediate uncertainty” ... AP: "thrust into turmoil."
Be smart: The hardball tactics are designed to muscle through the confirmation before it can be further imperiled.
  • Republicans got more worried as the evening went along, but privately were optimistic about winning the P.R. fight: It's her word, backed by her therapist's notes, versus Kavanaugh and another man alleged to be in the room.
Kavanaugh re-issued his previous statement: "I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time."
  • The other participant named by Ford, Mark Judge, said he has "no recollection of any of the events described."

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