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How To Engage Millennials

How To Engage Millennials

One of the most critical constituencies for Democrats in the 2018 elections will be the youth vote. The challenge, however, is getting them out to the polls.

Those under the age of 54 - Generation X, Millennials and the post-Millennial generation comprise 59% of eligible voters in the United States but, according to Pew Research, "if past midterm election turnout patterns hold true, they are unlikely to cast the majority of votes this November."

Since 2014, the number of voting-eligible Gen Xers, Millennials and post-Millennials has increased by 18 million, while there are now 10 million fewer eligible voters among the Boomer and older generations.
New Founders Millennials Paper

In the 2014 midterm election, only 39% of Gen Xers who were eligible turned out to vote, and only 22% of Millennials-those born between 1981 and 1996 - cast their ballots.  The question remains, then:

How Do We Engage Millennials?

NewFounders, a group of politically motivated, tech-driven groups and leaders, conducted an extensive focus group among it, millennial thinkers, to produce an in-depth action paper on the subject.

The document is aimed at aiding candidates, politicians, state parties and political organizations on how to engage the 22 to 37-year-old demographic.

Contributors include voices from Goodwerk, Gather,,, Swing Left and a host of innovative young minds.

The paper examines, at length, the personalities and motivations of Millennials, and the do's and don'ts of political engagement and communication.

The Generations Defined          
GenerationYears Born2018 Age
Generation X1965-198038-53
Baby Boomer Generation1946-196454-72
The Silent Generation1928-194573-90
The Greatest Generation1901-192791 & Older
Learn More about New Founders


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