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Equality PAC Condemns Maura Sullivan’s Anti-LGBT Dog Whistle Politics

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Equality PAC Condemns Maura Sullivan’s Anti-LGBT Dog Whistle Politics
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Equality PAC, the political action committee founded by leaders of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus, issued the following statement in response to Maura Sullivan’s attack on her openly gay Democratic primary opponent, Equality PAC endorsed Chris Pappas.  
“Maura Sullivan’s attacks on Chris Pappas amount to a dog whistle and have no place in modern politics,” said Equality PAC Executive Director Roddy Flynn.  “For centuries gay men have been marginalized and mocked as weak.  Sullivan’s attacks on Chris’s strength and resolve is right out of the anti-LGBT playbook and are as offensive as they are baseless.”
“Chris Pappas is a small business owner who stepped forward to serve his community as an openly gay man in 2002, when same-sex relationships were still illegal in much of this country.  He has stood up to radical conservatives and fought for funding for Planned Parenthood and for all Granite Staters to have access to affordable health care.  Chris will be a steadfast and staunch defender of the community in which he was born and raised.”


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