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Congress is running out the clock

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SEPTEMBER TO-DO LIST -- Congress has a lot to do and not much time to do it. Government funding runs dry 
Sept. 30, but "[a]ppropriators in both chambers still face numerous policy disputes over controversial issues such as abortion as they work to cut deals on spending bills before the close of the fiscal year," Rachael and Burgess report. There's also the farm bill, which has stalled amid a clash over work requirements for food stamp recipients. "Failure to pass a new farm bill by the Sept. 30 deadline could be a disaster," they warn. "Republicans say it's the best way to counteract the ill effects of Trump's trade war."

"The legislative pile-up comes as rank-and-file GOP members are increasingly worried that they will lose the House this fall and are itching to hit the campaign trail full time," they continue. "There's been a notable shift in attitude among House Republicans, who once predicted a '50-50' shot at keeping the majority and now worry they are severe underdogs despite a buzzing economy." The Senate, meanwhile, is focused on funding the government and confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The chamber won't pass another tax cut bill or try to repeal Obamacare again. Even anti-harassment policy to protect staffers is on hold.

And in addition to the possibility of canceled votes due to Hurricane Florence, there's a looming threat of a government shutdown over $5 billion in funding for President Donald Trump's border wall. Appropriators will continue working through next week's recess, but the calendar is setting up a high-stakes final week in September, when Congress must pass a continuing resolution to extend funding for the remaining departments. "Both political parties are eager to tap $36 billion in new funding for domestic and military spending from this year's budget deal," Rachael and Burgess add. "And if the appropriations process falls apart, there may be less will to do a difficult budget deal next year." More:
Related read: "Romney hits GOP for increasing deficits," from The Hill's Niv Elis:

Source Politico 


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