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The chairman of the Republican Party in Bay County, Michigan, Brandon DeFrain, recently announced his resignation via a Facebook post.  He had served as chairman since 2014.

DeFrain had many reasons for resigning, and went through all of them on his 333 word Facebook post.  DeFrain wrote:
“I can no longer remain silent about our President.  I have not seen a leader, I’ve only seen more of the same.  More racism in our streets, on social media and schools, more hatred between family members, more people feeling as if their human and civil rights are being violated, more drug overdoses and more people feeling tormented and discriminated against because of who they worship and who they love.  I’m tired of attempting to defend a machine that does not defend the people I love.  Since Inauguration Day I’ve shared my opinion in close circles and mainly with family members, friends, and my wife.  I haven’t spoke much about the current state of political affairs because in the past, I believed in giving our leaders a chance.  Since I’ve been involved in politics I’ve spent my time learning about the passion on both sides.  I have found myself torn.  This leads to where my mind is today.  I do not support the actions coming from the White House.  I felt a strong sense of unity in Bay County during the 2016 election.  Despite some of the terrible things being said in campaigns around the country, I felt that people in our community could come together and embrace change.  But it seems that national politics only lead to us haring each other regardless of who we vote for.  I will no longer seek political office as a partisan represented candidate and I will no longer be more than an independent thinker working for the good of my family and my community.  I am resigning from my affiliation with ALL political parties so that I may be better aligned with my own values.  Those values that represent all people, faith, gender, class, thought, race and every other denomination on our planet.  I care about every human on this earth and I desire to live in a way that pursues freedom for all.”
DeFrain had previously endorsed Donald Trump, and, per vice chair David Scholl, was “very instrumental in getting the word out and helping the party have a presence in Bay County”.  Trump won Bay County in the 2016 Presidential Election with 53% of the vote.
Bradon DeFrain isn’t the first Republican to become disgusted with his party and decide to leave.  It is unlikely that he will be the last.


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