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First #MeToo Political Ad

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Sol Flores

Wow. It's rare we ever say this, so you know we mean it when we tell you that this new TV ad from nonprofit director Sol Flores is a must-watch. The spot starts off prosaically enough: Flores, who narrates the ad herself, begins by saying, "My art teacher asked me why I was building a chest. I was 11." Footage recreating the scene ("1984 Chicago") rolls by, and at this point, perhaps, you might expect the box to be a metaphor for Flores' hopes, or maybe you're anticipating that the teacher said something dismissive.
Just keep watching. Flores goes on: "And I didn't tell anyone that a man living with us would come into my bedroom when I was asleep and lift my nightgown. Well, I filled that chest with the heaviest things I could find, and I put it against that door"—here, we see Flores herself in her actual childhood bedroom, pointing to the door—"to wake me up so I could fight him off." Just wow. She concludes, "I'm Sol Flores, and I've dedicated my life to youth who need help. I approve this message, because I'll fight as hard for you in Congress as I did to protect myself." Flores has also posted a web video with a longer version of her story.
Flores is running in the Democratic primary for Illinois' 4th Congressional District, an open and safely blue seat in Chicago. She's a heavy underdog to Cook County Commissioner Chuy Garcia, who has a big edge in pollingfundraising, and endorsements.


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