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Donald Trump Will Resign ‘Within Two Weeks’ If Mueller Flips Manafort, Democratic Strategist Predicts

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Donald Trump will resign and leave the White House in fear if the Russia investigation is able to flip former campaign manager Paul Manafort against him, a top Democratic strategist is predicting.
Last week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation took a major step forward with the indictment of 13 Russian nationals for interfering in the election by spreading propaganda on social media, and they also announced a plea deal for Manafort’s former business partner, Rick Gates.
Gates accepted a plea deal that will have him testify against Manafort, the Boston Herald noted, bolstering what has already been seen as a solid case against Trump’s former top campaign official. There has been speculation among legal experts that Mueller may now be working on Manafort, using him to build a case against the biggest target of all, Donald Trump.
If that is the case, Mueller will likely have Trump dead to rights, Scott Dworkin predicted. The Democratic strategist and fundraiser has predicted that Trump will resign almost immediately if Manafort were to flip against him. Trump and Manafort have a business relationship that stretches back decades and have been “scamming” together for years, Dworkin claimed.
Dworkin is not the only person predicting that Donald Trump will resign when the heat from the Russia investigation gets to be too much for him. A writer who has a long and tumultuous relationship with Trump has also predicted that Trump’s pride will not allow him to suffer what he would view as the biggest possible loss.
source The Inquisitor 

*Editors Note
Mueller does not need Gates to Convict Manafot, his case is a paper case, which means his finances are enough to convict him no witness needed


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