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Video: Russian Officials Publicly Threaten to Release Blackmail on Trump

It seems like Russian President Vladimir Putin may be deciding that popular vote loser Donald Trump is more trouble than he’s worth after he failed to lift US sanctions against Russia multiple times.
Russian officials are speaking out against Trump, mocking him, taunting, and talking about releasing information that could finish off Trump’s struggling presidency.
A Russian debate took place on Russian state-run television where several Russian officials discussed various political issues. One of which was was Nikita Isaev, the Director of the Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics.
He said, “Let’s hit Trump with our Kompromat!”, (Note: in Russian, this means “compromising material”, is damaging information about a politician or other public figure used to create negative publicity, for blackmail, or for ensuring loyalty).
This certainly looks like a reference to the infamous Pee Pee Tape or, at the very least, some type of other blackmail material the Kremlin is holding over Trump’s head.
The host asked, “Do we have it?” Isaev responded “Of course we have it!”
You can watch the hour-long Russian-language video can be watched here.

Nikita Isaev’s call for the release of Kompromat. The interested part here is that someone in Isaev’s position wouldn’t have said something like this on Kremlin-controlled TV unless Vladimir Putin gave him permission to say it.


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