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Five Companies Pull Ads From Sean Hannity’s Fox News Show Over Roy Moore Defense

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Five major companies have decided to distance themselves from Fox News host Sean Hannity by pulling their advertisements from his show in the wake of his support for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and his attacks on the four women who accused Moore of sexual misconduct this week, whom he accused of lying for money.
Media Matters says they have received confirmations from 23andmeELOQUIIKeurigNature’s Bounty, and, on their decision to pull ads from Hannity’s Fox News show.
On Thursday, Hannity, who endorsed Moore’s campaign in September, claimed that Moore’s accusers were lying, saying: “Then you have false allegations that are made, and you know — how do you determine? It’s ‘He said, she [said].”
Hannity also claimed that the women making allegations against Moore are only doing it for money: “This goes back to what you said. Do people do it for money, do they do it political reasons? How come — is that more common than people would think?..They will lie to make money.”
He continued:
“Here’s some really fascinating questions. How do you know if it’s true? How do we — what’s true? What’s not true? How do you ascertain the truth? What happens when it’s 38 years later? It’s a serious topic, and — because if it’s true and people act like this, it’s disgusting, it’s despicable, it’s criminal.”
Then Hannity invoked the Bible’s Ten Commandments:
“We do have Ten Commandments. One of the commandments is ‘thou shalt not bear false witness.’ We know human beings break, with regularity, the other nine commandments. Did they break this one?”
Media Matters notes:
In August, Media Matters called on Hannity’s advertisers to stop financially supporting his lies and extremism and warned that Hannity’s volatility made him a business risk. The companies who spoke out this week join Cadillac and E-Trade among other brands that no longer wish to be associated with the Fox host.
Hannity’s advertiser losses from the late summer are part of the reason Fox’s revenue has begun to drop precipitously.


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