Bernie Sanders Staff: Bernie Has Been Living In Denial For Months

According to a bombshell story, the staff of the Sanders campaign has known for weeks and months that Bernie Sanders was not going to win the Democratic nomination.

The story paints a damning portrait of a presidential candidate who might have blown his shot at winning the Democratic nomination by making a series of bad decisions. The end of the campaign inside stories are always shaped by people within the campaign who may have an ax to grind, but what is clear is that the public image of the Sanders campaign may have been very different from what was going on behind closed doors.
It seems that the one person who needs to come to grips with the reality of his defeat is Sen. Bernie Sanders.

There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders. Sources are reporting Bernie and Jame sanders are delusional, they are reporting that Bernie believes he needs to stay in because Hillary will be Indicted which is bizarre because Hillary is not even under investigation, but interestingly Jane Sanders is under investigation for Bank Fraud, talk about delusional

There's much more in the whole piece. Read it in full.

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