Same Sex Marriage Ruling May Come Today

UPDATE The Supreme Court has not yet released its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case of an Ohio man suing to have his name placed on his legally-married husband's death certificate.
The court will hand down more decisions on Thursday, and next week. It usually saves the most high-profile cases for the last days of its session.
Many legal experts predict the court will legalize gay marriage nationwide by finding that the U.S. Constitution’s guarantees of equal treatment under the law and due process prohibit states from banning same-sex nuptials.
The four liberal justices are expected to support same-sex marriage, and conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy, the expected swing vote, has a history of backing gay rights.
In three key decisions since 1996, Kennedy has broadened the court’s view of equality for gays. The most recent was a 2013 case in which the court struck down a federal law denying benefits to married same-sex couples.
During oral arguments in the gay marriage case on April 28, Kennedy posed tough questions to lawyers from both sides but stressed the nobility and dignity of same-sex couples.

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