Will the ideas of conservatism destroy our Country

Around 70% of the governments within the EU as of November 2012 identify themselves as right wing. A poll conducted in May 2012 revealed that 46% of Americans identified themselves as total conservatives on economics issues, and 38% as total conservatives onsocial issues as well.
Seeing such numbers requires serious consideration. Let’s look at the definition of conservatism: The tendency to resist great or sudden change, or the belief that society should change as little as possible.
The definitions speaks for itself. We take issue with the ideology of conservatism because it could be a stranglehold on many of the advancements that we will benefit from, facing the very fact that conservatism in and on itself is based upon the idea of holding things back in the name of traditional values, which do not contribute to the health of society.
We'd go as far as saying that conservative policies in society do much more damage than most other prevailing political ideologies. When we say 'harm', we mean, destabilise the potential for social sustainability to come about on a large-scale. There's none such thing as being 'unbiased' - you can never be unbiased due to your cultural conditioning and background. But a bias toward something that is attached to physical referents like science and technology - that is a much more 'efficient' bias

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