It's obvious that the single biggest problem we have in our American political system right now is unregulated money - money that's being used to sell you things that sane, well-informed voters never would have choose.

I mean, really - Mitt Romney? The guy who isn't honest enough with the American people to give even give ONE complete tax return to us?

The money isn't evenly divided though, as we all know. The seventeen old, rich, white billionaires who make up the American oligarchy have been using our tax code and our campaign finance laws to steal wealth for themselves for YEARS now.

Thankfully, Chris Cillizza pointed out an awesome infographic that makes it clear exactly HOW these 17 old angry white men have been buying our political system during this election.
by JLMCBrowse more data visualizations.
If you want to know exactly WHO these men are - and they're all old, rich, white men - Tim Dickinson's piece on the "Right-Wing Billionaires Behind Mitt Romney" points them out, one by one.